Tuesday, August 31, 2010
[Twitter] 100831
VanNessVanWu: http://twitpic.com/2jwg3d – Good to see @officialse7en after to many years! Keep rockin bro~!”
OFFICIALSE7EN: 아악.. 길거리데이트라니!!! 친구차가 크게 사고가나서 부리나케 달려가 경찰 올때까지 상황정리해주고있었던중인데... 헐..ㅠㅠ [Aaackk… What’s this talk about a date on the streets???!! Our friend’s car had gotten into a big accident and we hurriedly went there to help him/her control the situation until the police came… Heuk TTTT]
(Note from translator: This tweet refers to an article which was uploaded this morning. The article stated that Dongwookie and Park Han Byul went on a date around Apgujeong and spent time together walking on the streets, ignoring the looks from ppl around them. It even had photos and went on about how they seemed very at ease etc etc. Because of this, there has been some noise, luckily not too much.. but this is indeed a sensitive time…)
Sj861117sj: @officialse7en 헉…….. [Heuk…..]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sj861117sj 괜찮아 난 쿨하니까! ^^ 근데 메뉴는 몰로 정했니?? [It’s ok, I’m cool about it!!^^ So what did you decide for the menu?]
ianizing: @officialse7en 아 ㅋㅋ 트위터는 몇시간 만 안들어와도.. 방금 저녁먹었는데 좀만 일찍 전화하지~ 이번주엔 꼭 밥먹자구!! [Ahh~keke I only didnt go on twitter for a few hours.. I ate dinner just then.. you should have rung me a bit earlier.. we have to eat together this week!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @ianizing alright bruh!! ttyl~~
Translated by ceciliase7en@wp
VanNessVanWu: http://twitpic.com/2jwg3d – Good to see @officialse7en after to many years! Keep rockin bro~!”
OFFICIALSE7EN: 아악.. 길거리데이트라니!!! 친구차가 크게 사고가나서 부리나케 달려가 경찰 올때까지 상황정리해주고있었던중인데... 헐..ㅠㅠ [Aaackk… What’s this talk about a date on the streets???!! Our friend’s car had gotten into a big accident and we hurriedly went there to help him/her control the situation until the police came… Heuk TTTT]
(Note from translator: This tweet refers to an article which was uploaded this morning. The article stated that Dongwookie and Park Han Byul went on a date around Apgujeong and spent time together walking on the streets, ignoring the looks from ppl around them. It even had photos and went on about how they seemed very at ease etc etc. Because of this, there has been some noise, luckily not too much.. but this is indeed a sensitive time…)
Sj861117sj: @officialse7en 헉…….. [Heuk…..]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sj861117sj 괜찮아 난 쿨하니까! ^^ 근데 메뉴는 몰로 정했니?? [It’s ok, I’m cool about it!!^^ So what did you decide for the menu?]
ianizing: @officialse7en 아 ㅋㅋ 트위터는 몇시간 만 안들어와도.. 방금 저녁먹었는데 좀만 일찍 전화하지~ 이번주엔 꼭 밥먹자구!! [Ahh~keke I only didnt go on twitter for a few hours.. I ate dinner just then.. you should have rung me a bit earlier.. we have to eat together this week!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @ianizing alright bruh!! ttyl~~
Translated by ceciliase7en@wp
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
[PICS] Making of Copyright Song – SBS Inkigayo
Where is this? Although it looks as if it’s on the set of a music video..
It is the set of Se7en’s VTR for the Copyright song!! Large scale Se7en VTR which reminiscent of a music video~
Wooooo~ Se7en going to work (?) looking cool! This is the new YG office! This time round, the VTR was shot at YG’s new office and we can see the very YG interior of the place!
Thanks to the dancers who took part as well!
A style which is unique to Se7en , a sound unique to Se7en… in the midst of recording the Copyright song
And!!!!! You will be able to see the many varied expressions of Se7en!! Just to give you a glimpse…
Now! Se7en is experiencing a songwriter’s pain!
Feeling it~~Yeah
Through the VTR this time round, you will see Se7en’s cool image and his laidback side – many different expressions!
Do not download illegally… you guys will watch the show live right?
Illegal downloads! X!!!
Alright, so this week! Inkigayo! Se7en’s copyright song VTR! Digital Bounce!
All translations by Cecilia
From SBS Inkigayo site
Taken from ceciliase7en@wp
It is the set of Se7en’s VTR for the Copyright song!! Large scale Se7en VTR which reminiscent of a music video~
Wooooo~ Se7en going to work (?) looking cool! This is the new YG office! This time round, the VTR was shot at YG’s new office and we can see the very YG interior of the place!
Thanks to the dancers who took part as well!
A style which is unique to Se7en , a sound unique to Se7en… in the midst of recording the Copyright song
And!!!!! You will be able to see the many varied expressions of Se7en!! Just to give you a glimpse…
Now! Se7en is experiencing a songwriter’s pain!
Feeling it~~Yeah
Through the VTR this time round, you will see Se7en’s cool image and his laidback side – many different expressions!
Do not download illegally… you guys will watch the show live right?
Illegal downloads! X!!!
Alright, so this week! Inkigayo! Se7en’s copyright song VTR! Digital Bounce!
All translations by Cecilia
From SBS Inkigayo site
Taken from ceciliase7en@wp
[Twitter] 100829
(1) Conversation with actrees So Yoo Jin.
YUJIN_SO: @ianizing 방금 동욱이랑 해피투게더 녹화했어 ㅋ 담에 같이봐 ~ [I just recorded Happy Together with Dongwookie ~keke~ I’ll see you guys together next time~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @YUJIN_SO 팔로우 완료!!! 어젠 수고많으셨어요~ 비 많이 온다.. 안전한 하루 보내길...!! [Follow completed!! You worked hard yesterday~~ it’s raining alot.. please spend today safely..!!]
(2) Conversation with actress Lee Da Hae
OFFICIALSE7EN: @cherry4eva84 안녕~ 난 븐이야!! 당신 트윗이 77개라서 팔로우 함!!^^ [Hey~ I’m ven!! (he uses the last syllable of se7en) I’m following you now because you had 77 tweets!!^^]
cherry4eva84: @officialse7en ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그런거였어? 노래가…너무 세련되고 좋음 응원하께^^ [kekekeke O really?? Your song.. is really trendy and good.. I’ll be cheering for you^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @cherry4eva84 thanks!! 응원할꺼면 지금 SBS 인기가요를 보세요!!^^ [thanks!! If you’re going to cheer for me watch SBS Inkigayo now!!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 즐거운 일요일아침!!! 근데 비가너무많이와... 다들 안전하고 행복한 하루보내시길... Amen... [Happy Sunday morning!! But it’s really too much.. Hope everyone has a safe and happy day..Amen]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @misskahi 어제 살짝 반가웠으!! 이따 또 봅시다^^ [It was nice to see you yesterday.. juuuusst a bit!! See you soon again^^]
misskahi: @officialse7en 쎄봉님 전 끝나구갑네다 ㅎ 멋진무대 만드시길 화이또~!^^ [Mr. Sebong, I have finished and am leaving now~ hehe~Hope you have a cool performance~!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @misskahi 아이고 얼굴도못봤넹 ㅠ 인사도안하고 가시는군요 후배님 버릇이없으십니다 ㅋㅋ 조심히 올라가용^^ [Aigoo couldnt even see your face TT Miss junior (as in hoobae), you left without greeting me, you have such bad manners~ keke~ Have a safe trip back^^]
(5) Carrying on from yesterday from Dongwookie’s tweet about how he think drinking makguli on rainy days is the best
WAWASOUL: @officialse7en 술두 못먹는것들이.. 위액좀 토하게 해줘?!?!? [You guys who cant even drink.. Should I vomit some gastric juices for you?]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL 훗....... 이사람 안되겠고만...? 오늘 막방이니까 무대에서 바지벗어~~ [hmpf… there’s really a problem with this person..? Since today is the last stage (he’s referring to Hurricane Venus), take your pants off on stage~~]
Sj861117sj: @officialse7en 형오늘빠이팅!ㅋ 디지털보ㅑ운~~ [Hyung fighting for today!!keke Digital Bounce~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sj861117sj 디지털쑈ㅑ운~~ ^^ U TOO BRUH!! [Digital Sound~~ ^^ U TOO BRUH!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: W TAEYANG!!! 우리는 난닝구 브라더쓰!!! ㅋㅋ KMW 대기실에서~~ in 인천... Haha!! http://yfrog.com/mvtsjsj http://yfrog.com/jxj2bhj [W TAEYANG! We are the Running brothers! At the KMW waiting room.. in Incheon.. haha!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: 공연끝나고 밥먹으러왔는데 옆에 오락기가 ㅋㅋ BACK TO THE 동심의세계^^ W MA BRUH TY!!! http://yfrog.com/jnyp3hj http://yfrog.com/n2lubtj [The concert has ended and we were on our way to eat but we saw an arcade machine next to us~ keke~BACK TO THE world of the innocence of childhood^^ W MA BRUH TY!!!!!]

Translated by cecilia
YUJIN_SO: @ianizing 방금 동욱이랑 해피투게더 녹화했어 ㅋ 담에 같이봐 ~ [I just recorded Happy Together with Dongwookie ~keke~ I’ll see you guys together next time~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @YUJIN_SO 팔로우 완료!!! 어젠 수고많으셨어요~ 비 많이 온다.. 안전한 하루 보내길...!! [Follow completed!! You worked hard yesterday~~ it’s raining alot.. please spend today safely..!!]
(2) Conversation with actress Lee Da Hae
OFFICIALSE7EN: @cherry4eva84 안녕~ 난 븐이야!! 당신 트윗이 77개라서 팔로우 함!!^^ [Hey~ I’m ven!! (he uses the last syllable of se7en) I’m following you now because you had 77 tweets!!^^]
cherry4eva84: @officialse7en ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그런거였어? 노래가…너무 세련되고 좋음 응원하께^^ [kekekeke O really?? Your song.. is really trendy and good.. I’ll be cheering for you^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @cherry4eva84 thanks!! 응원할꺼면 지금 SBS 인기가요를 보세요!!^^ [thanks!! If you’re going to cheer for me watch SBS Inkigayo now!!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 즐거운 일요일아침!!! 근데 비가너무많이와... 다들 안전하고 행복한 하루보내시길... Amen... [Happy Sunday morning!! But it’s really too much.. Hope everyone has a safe and happy day..Amen]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @misskahi 어제 살짝 반가웠으!! 이따 또 봅시다^^ [It was nice to see you yesterday.. juuuusst a bit!! See you soon again^^]
misskahi: @officialse7en 쎄봉님 전 끝나구갑네다 ㅎ 멋진무대 만드시길 화이또~!^^ [Mr. Sebong, I have finished and am leaving now~ hehe~Hope you have a cool performance~!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @misskahi 아이고 얼굴도못봤넹 ㅠ 인사도안하고 가시는군요 후배님 버릇이없으십니다 ㅋㅋ 조심히 올라가용^^ [Aigoo couldnt even see your face TT Miss junior (as in hoobae), you left without greeting me, you have such bad manners~ keke~ Have a safe trip back^^]
(5) Carrying on from yesterday from Dongwookie’s tweet about how he think drinking makguli on rainy days is the best
WAWASOUL: @officialse7en 술두 못먹는것들이.. 위액좀 토하게 해줘?!?!? [You guys who cant even drink.. Should I vomit some gastric juices for you?]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL 훗....... 이사람 안되겠고만...? 오늘 막방이니까 무대에서 바지벗어~~ [hmpf… there’s really a problem with this person..? Since today is the last stage (he’s referring to Hurricane Venus), take your pants off on stage~~]
Sj861117sj: @officialse7en 형오늘빠이팅!ㅋ 디지털보ㅑ운~~ [Hyung fighting for today!!keke Digital Bounce~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sj861117sj 디지털쑈ㅑ운~~ ^^ U TOO BRUH!! [Digital Sound~~ ^^ U TOO BRUH!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: W TAEYANG!!! 우리는 난닝구 브라더쓰!!! ㅋㅋ KMW 대기실에서~~ in 인천... Haha!! http://yfrog.com/mvtsjsj http://yfrog.com/jxj2bhj [W TAEYANG! We are the Running brothers! At the KMW waiting room.. in Incheon.. haha!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 공연끝나고 밥먹으러왔는데 옆에 오락기가 ㅋㅋ BACK TO THE 동심의세계^^ W MA BRUH TY!!! http://yfrog.com/jnyp3hj http://yfrog.com/n2lubtj [The concert has ended and we were on our way to eat but we saw an arcade machine next to us~ keke~BACK TO THE world of the innocence of childhood^^ W MA BRUH TY!!!!!]
Translated by cecilia
Message From Se7en
Se7en likes Taeyang’s chocolate abs
This week’s Music Core had a bit of male bondage going on between YG Family members, Taeyang and Se7en.
During a rehearsal of Taeyang’s single “I’ll Be There,” Se7en disguised himself as a back dancer, grabbed Taeyang’s leg during the performance and lifted up his shirt, presenting fans with only a view of his muscular back, but giving Se7en a nice shot of Taeyang’s buff body.
Just another example of how K-pop idols give their fans the best fanservice. Both artists are currently promoting and during Se7en’s live performance of “Digital Bounce,” he gave a quick shout out to Taeyang at the beginning of his song.
Check out a fancam of the shirt lifting below
Taken from Allkpop
Saturday, August 28, 2010
[Twitter] 100828
Jsmining: 배가 고픈거뚜아니구 몬가 심심하고 허기져서 편의점에 들렸으나 만족시키는게 없다가 앗 하고 발견한 카스^^ 이제만족 http://tweetphoto.com/41861073 [I’m not even hungry but i’m a bit bored and it seems as if i’m becoming more hungry, so I went to the convenient store.. There was nothing that would make me feel satisfied until I found Cass (Note: a brand of Korean beer) ^^ Now i’m satisfied]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Jsmining 이런 술쟁이같으니라고!!! 리허설 전에 음주를해!!!!!!?!!? (같이마시장~~~^^) ㅋㅋ [You’re such an alcoholic!! Are you drinking before a rehearsal?? (Let’s drink together~~~^^)keke]
Jsmining: @officialse7en ㅋㅋㅋ그러게 벤을 타고 갈껄 그랜나 막걸리파티라도 할껄^^ [kekeke that’s right ~ I should have caught a van and gone~ then I should have had a rice wine (makguli) party]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Jsmining 그르니까.. 비오는날엔 막걸리지.. 쩝… [I’m telling you!… that makguli is good for a rainy daily….]
Translated by cecilia
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Jsmining 이런 술쟁이같으니라고!!! 리허설 전에 음주를해!!!!!!?!!? (같이마시장~~~^^) ㅋㅋ [You’re such an alcoholic!! Are you drinking before a rehearsal?? (Let’s drink together~~~^^)keke]
Jsmining: @officialse7en ㅋㅋㅋ그러게 벤을 타고 갈껄 그랜나 막걸리파티라도 할껄^^ [kekeke that’s right ~ I should have caught a van and gone~ then I should have had a rice wine (makguli) party]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Jsmining 그르니까.. 비오는날엔 막걸리지.. 쩝… [I’m telling you!… that makguli is good for a rainy daily….]
Translated by cecilia
Friday, August 27, 2010
OFFICIALSE7EN: 좋은아침!! 난 뮤직뱅크 리허설 하러 가는길~!! 오늘은 “디지털 뱌~운스” 하하 [Good morning!! I’m on my way to music bank rehearsal~! Today is “Digital Boun~ce” Haha]
eru_Ndrew: @officialse7en 수고해~ [Work hard~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @eru_Ndrew 오 드라이 빼는 능력자!! [5 Dry subtracting psychic!]
(note: cecilia cant provide a translation for this one, hence i ask help from google translator.)
OFFICIALSE7EN: RT Hwangssabu 황싸부 생일입니다!^^ 축하해주세요~ [Hwangssabu: It’s Hwangssaby’s birthday!^^ Please wish me happy birthday~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Hwangssabu 아까 진작 말씀하시징~ 뽀뽀라도 날려드리는건데^^ 까비~~ happy b’day ssabu!!! [You should have told just then~ I would have at least given you a kiss^^ Ggabi~happy b’day ssabu!!]
jhs7987: 일찍 퇴근해서 바득이랑 함께 치.맥.골 ㅋㅋ 캬~ 씐나씐나+_+!!!! http://photonui.com/3Tq [Finishing work early today, I’m having chicken, beer (and i dont know the 3rd thing) with Ba deuk~ keke ~~ahhh So exciting+_+!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 헉… 하악하악… 헥헥~~~ 나도 치맥… ㅠㅠ 근데 바득이는 누구냣!? [Heuk… ahhhh…hehe~~ I also want chicken and beer…TT btw who is ba deuk??]
translated by cecilia
OFFICIALSE7EN: 좋은아침!! 난 뮤직뱅크 리허설 하러 가는길~!! 오늘은 “디지털 뱌~운스” 하하 [Good morning!! I’m on my way to music bank rehearsal~! Today is “Digital Boun~ce” Haha]
eru_Ndrew: @officialse7en 수고해~ [Work hard~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @eru_Ndrew 오 드라이 빼는 능력자!! [5 Dry subtracting psychic!]
(note: cecilia cant provide a translation for this one, hence i ask help from google translator.)
OFFICIALSE7EN: RT Hwangssabu 황싸부 생일입니다!^^ 축하해주세요~ [Hwangssabu: It’s Hwangssaby’s birthday!^^ Please wish me happy birthday~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Hwangssabu 아까 진작 말씀하시징~ 뽀뽀라도 날려드리는건데^^ 까비~~ happy b’day ssabu!!! [You should have told just then~ I would have at least given you a kiss^^ Ggabi~happy b’day ssabu!!]
jhs7987: 일찍 퇴근해서 바득이랑 함께 치.맥.골 ㅋㅋ 캬~ 씐나씐나+_+!!!! http://photonui.com/3Tq [Finishing work early today, I’m having chicken, beer (and i dont know the 3rd thing) with Ba deuk~ keke ~~ahhh So exciting+_+!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 헉… 하악하악… 헥헥~~~ 나도 치맥… ㅠㅠ 근데 바득이는 누구냣!? [Heuk… ahhhh…hehe~~ I also want chicken and beer…TT btw who is ba deuk??]
translated by cecilia
Thursday, August 26, 2010
[Vids+Pics] 100824 KBS Open Concert recording
Better Together

credit: helloseven cafe++ Se7en dc gallery+cecilia@wp
Better Together
credit: helloseven cafe++ Se7en dc gallery+cecilia@wp
[Twitter] 100825
Hwangssabu: 비가 하루 종일 올것 같아요. 나의 생활에 긍정적인 마인드를 위해서 오늘 뺘샤^^ [It seems that it’s going to rain all day. So that I can have a positive mind in life, Bbyasya today!] (note: it means sorta like fighting)
jhs7987: @Hwangssabu 비오는 날은 싫은데-_ㅠ 긍정적인 마인드!!!!!!!!! 가 필요해요 ㅜㅜ [I dont like rainy days -_T I need a positive mind!!!! TT]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 오빠 스케줄 안빼먹고 열심히 다녀야 긍정적으로 변신하지롱!!^^ [You will only change to a positive mind if you work hard and not skip oppa’s schedules!!^^]
Translation by Cecilia
jhs7987: @Hwangssabu 비오는 날은 싫은데-_ㅠ 긍정적인 마인드!!!!!!!!! 가 필요해요 ㅜㅜ [I dont like rainy days -_T I need a positive mind!!!! TT]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 오빠 스케줄 안빼먹고 열심히 다녀야 긍정적으로 변신하지롱!!^^ [You will only change to a positive mind if you work hard and not skip oppa’s schedules!!^^]
Translation by Cecilia
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
[Twitter] 100824
BoA_1105: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ각도랑 상관없구나..ㅋㅋ http://tweetphoto.com/40925301 [kekekek so the angle doesnt make a difference..keke]
(Note: BoA has been playing around with this program online which matches her photo with the database and it tells her that she looks 100% like BoA. I think this program is used by normal ppl to see which star they look like. BoA used a few pictures to try out and program and it still worked with different photos)
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 이건 반칙이야!! 직찍만 인정해줄꺼닷!!^^ [That’s against the rules! I’ll only acknowledge it with a self taken photo!!^^]
BoA_1105: @officialse7en ㅠㅠ 오빠도 해봐 100%나오나 ㅋㅋ [TT Oppa try it as well.. see if 100% comes out for you as well. keke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 100푸론 죽어도 안나온다.. ㅠ 그나저나 난 회츈했어^^ 오네~상!! ㅋ http://yfrog.com/3r1z6vj [However I tried, I just couldnt get 100% TT But I got younger^^ Unni! keke]
Translated by cecilia
(Note: BoA has been playing around with this program online which matches her photo with the database and it tells her that she looks 100% like BoA. I think this program is used by normal ppl to see which star they look like. BoA used a few pictures to try out and program and it still worked with different photos)
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 이건 반칙이야!! 직찍만 인정해줄꺼닷!!^^ [That’s against the rules! I’ll only acknowledge it with a self taken photo!!^^]
BoA_1105: @officialse7en ㅠㅠ 오빠도 해봐 100%나오나 ㅋㅋ [TT Oppa try it as well.. see if 100% comes out for you as well. keke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 100푸론 죽어도 안나온다.. ㅠ 그나저나 난 회츈했어^^ 오네~상!! ㅋ http://yfrog.com/3r1z6vj [However I tried, I just couldnt get 100% TT But I got younger^^ Unni! keke]
Translated by cecilia
Sunday, August 22, 2010
[Twitter] 100822
OFFICIALSE7EN: 영배 팬분들이 너무 맛난점심을 보내주셔서 둘이 냠냠 쩝쩝 아주 신이났다ㅎㅎ 고마워요 븨아픠!!! (인증샷은 영배 트위터에 곧!!^^) [Because Youngbae’s fans sent a very yummy lunch, the 2 of us got really high from eating hehe.. Thank you VIP!!! (The photo will be uploaded onto Youngbae’s twitter soon!!^^)]
OFFICIALSE7EN: WITH TAEYANG~ YUMMY!!! http://yfrog.com/49f77fj
joojoo92: @officialse7en 오빠우리팬들꺽어서기다리고잇는데그냥간건솔직히심했음요 베투막방이라해서소리완전질렀는데목쉬었는데 [Oppa our fans were waiting, bent down, but honestly, you leaving just like that was too much~Because it was the last performance of Better Together I totally screamed as loud as I could so I was resting my voice]
(note: she’s referring to fans waiting for his van after inkigayo)
OFFICIALSE7EN: @joojoo92 아무리 둘러봐도 안보이던데... 그러게 누가 꺾어서 있으래ㅠㅜ [I kept looking but I couldnt see you guys… who told you guys to be bending down TT]
BoA_1105: 좋은건 나눠먹어야징~~ㅋㅋRT @officialse7en: WITH TAEYANG~ YUMMY!!! http://yfrog.com/49f77fj [You should share good food with others~~ keke RT@officialse7en WITH TAEYANG! YUMMY!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 축하축하!!! 아무래도 밥은 너가 사야겠다 ㅋㅋ [Congrats! I think you should be the one to buy me food keke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 아쉬운 베러투게더 마지막 방송 ㅠㅠ 안무때문에 애를 많이먹었던 잊혀지지않을 노래^^ 힘들게 함께고생해준 우리 댄스팀!! 왼쪽부터 똘중이 로뎅 예수님 조태지 보경이 희진이 지혜 아연이 희소...짧았지만 행복했던시간..근데 너무 아쉬워 들하진마~ 담주부터 후속곡 연습 시작이닷!!!^^ 재욱이형 기형이형 감자누나 미란이...HI-TECH & CRAZY 모두다 고맙고 LOVE YALL~!! http://yfrog.com/gi4sej [The sad last performance of Better Together TT This is a song I wont forget because I had a hard time from the choreography.. Our dance team who worked hard with me! From the left: Ddol joong, Rodeng, Jesus, Jo Tae Ji, Bo Kyung, Hee Jin, Ji Hye, Ah Yeon, Hee So… Even though it was short, it was a happy time.. But dont be too sad everyone! Next week is the start of the follow up song dance practice!!^^ Jae Wook hyung, Ki Hyung hyung, Kam Ja noona, Miran … Thanks to all at Hi Tech & Crazy!! Love Yall!]
Bmr0708: @officialse7en 오빠 수고하셨습니다!^.^ 담주부터 더욱더 화이팅! 담엔 저도 사진같이찍을래여오빠 ㅜㅜ!! 히히 수고하셨습니다^_^~ [Oppa you did well!^.^ From next week, fighting even more! Next time take a photo with me too Oppa TT!! Hehe you’ve worked hard^_^~]
[Note: she is a dancer and will be working with Dongwookie for the follow up song]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Bmr0708 폭주족이랑은 사진안찍어~!!! [I dont take photos with binge drinkers!!]
jhs7987: @officialse7en 오빠!!!!! 그동안 수고많으셨어요^^!!!! 진짜 아쉬워요.. 갑작스럽게ㅠㅠ 후속곡도 파이팅+_+!!!! [Oppa!!!! You worked hard during this time^^ It’s really a pity… so sudden TT Fighting also for your follow up song +_+!!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 웅~ 이제 시작인데 몰~ 연습 많이한다고 귀찮아하지말고 ㅋㅋ [Eung~ well it’s the start now~ dont say it’s too much trouble when i say we need to practice alot keke]
BoA_1105: 막방였어???? 헐... 후속곡기대할께요^^RT @officialse7en: 아쉬운 베러투게더 마지막 방송 ㅠㅠ 안무때문에 애를 많이먹었던 잊혀지지않을 (cont) http://tl.gd/39bmjk [That was your last performance?? Goodness…Looking forward to your follow up song^^ RT @officialse7en: The sad last performance of Better Together TT This is a song I wont forget because I had a hard time from the choreography..(cont) http://tl.gd/39bmjk]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 응~ 뭐 막방이라기 보단~ 이것저것 많이 할라고!!^^ 연습잘하고 잠좀 푹 자길...!! Holla~ [Eung~Well rather than saying it’s the last performance~ it’s just that I’m going to be doing alot of this and that!!^^ Practise well and sleep well…!!Holla~]
(9) Conversation between BoA and Yoon Eun Hye.(1003grace)
1003Grace: @BoA_1105 응 안올껴 언닌 추격자도못봐써!! 우리 조만간 빨리보자 영화두보자 ㅋㅋ [Eung, you wont be able to sleep~ I havent even watched ‘Chaser’! Let’s watch a movie soon together keke]
BoA_1005: @1003Grace ㅋㅋㅋㅋ그랴그랴보러가자공^^ 막걸리도마시고^^ [kekekek sure sure let’s go watch it^^ and drink some makguli too^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 @1003grace 너희둘이 작전짜는 사이구나!!^^ 그럼 나도 껴야겠다 ㅋ [So you two have a conspiring relationship!!^^ If that’s the case then I’m going to have to step in between you two as well ke]
Heehihi: @officialse7en 오빠~수고하셨습니다아~ 잘 챙겨주셔서 항상 감사하게 생각하고 있어요~감동의 도가니탕이에요~앞으로도 화이팅!^0^히히 [Oppa~ you worked hard~ I’m always thankful that you take good care of me~ The dogani soup (beef cartilage soup) was very touching~ Keep fighting!^o^ hihi]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Heehihi 오빠가 항상 고맙지!!^^ 조만간 도가니탕 한그릇 쏜다!!! ㅋㅋ [I always thank you!!^^ I’ll buy you dogani soup soon!! keke]
Translated by Cecilia
OFFICIALSE7EN: 영배 팬분들이 너무 맛난점심을 보내주셔서 둘이 냠냠 쩝쩝 아주 신이났다ㅎㅎ 고마워요 븨아픠!!! (인증샷은 영배 트위터에 곧!!^^) [Because Youngbae’s fans sent a very yummy lunch, the 2 of us got really high from eating hehe.. Thank you VIP!!! (The photo will be uploaded onto Youngbae’s twitter soon!!^^)]
OFFICIALSE7EN: WITH TAEYANG~ YUMMY!!! http://yfrog.com/49f77fj
joojoo92: @officialse7en 오빠우리팬들꺽어서기다리고잇는데그냥간건솔직히심했음요 베투막방이라해서소리완전질렀는데목쉬었는데 [Oppa our fans were waiting, bent down, but honestly, you leaving just like that was too much~Because it was the last performance of Better Together I totally screamed as loud as I could so I was resting my voice]
(note: she’s referring to fans waiting for his van after inkigayo)
OFFICIALSE7EN: @joojoo92 아무리 둘러봐도 안보이던데... 그러게 누가 꺾어서 있으래ㅠㅜ [I kept looking but I couldnt see you guys… who told you guys to be bending down TT]
BoA_1105: 좋은건 나눠먹어야징~~ㅋㅋRT @officialse7en: WITH TAEYANG~ YUMMY!!! http://yfrog.com/49f77fj [You should share good food with others~~ keke RT@officialse7en WITH TAEYANG! YUMMY!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 축하축하!!! 아무래도 밥은 너가 사야겠다 ㅋㅋ [Congrats! I think you should be the one to buy me food keke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 아쉬운 베러투게더 마지막 방송 ㅠㅠ 안무때문에 애를 많이먹었던 잊혀지지않을 노래^^ 힘들게 함께고생해준 우리 댄스팀!! 왼쪽부터 똘중이 로뎅 예수님 조태지 보경이 희진이 지혜 아연이 희소...짧았지만 행복했던시간..근데 너무 아쉬워 들하진마~ 담주부터 후속곡 연습 시작이닷!!!^^ 재욱이형 기형이형 감자누나 미란이...HI-TECH & CRAZY 모두다 고맙고 LOVE YALL~!! http://yfrog.com/gi4sej [The sad last performance of Better Together TT This is a song I wont forget because I had a hard time from the choreography.. Our dance team who worked hard with me! From the left: Ddol joong, Rodeng, Jesus, Jo Tae Ji, Bo Kyung, Hee Jin, Ji Hye, Ah Yeon, Hee So… Even though it was short, it was a happy time.. But dont be too sad everyone! Next week is the start of the follow up song dance practice!!^^ Jae Wook hyung, Ki Hyung hyung, Kam Ja noona, Miran … Thanks to all at Hi Tech & Crazy!! Love Yall!]
Bmr0708: @officialse7en 오빠 수고하셨습니다!^.^ 담주부터 더욱더 화이팅! 담엔 저도 사진같이찍을래여오빠 ㅜㅜ!! 히히 수고하셨습니다^_^~ [Oppa you did well!^.^ From next week, fighting even more! Next time take a photo with me too Oppa TT!! Hehe you’ve worked hard^_^~]
[Note: she is a dancer and will be working with Dongwookie for the follow up song]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Bmr0708 폭주족이랑은 사진안찍어~!!! [I dont take photos with binge drinkers!!]
jhs7987: @officialse7en 오빠!!!!! 그동안 수고많으셨어요^^!!!! 진짜 아쉬워요.. 갑작스럽게ㅠㅠ 후속곡도 파이팅+_+!!!! [Oppa!!!! You worked hard during this time^^ It’s really a pity… so sudden TT Fighting also for your follow up song +_+!!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 웅~ 이제 시작인데 몰~ 연습 많이한다고 귀찮아하지말고 ㅋㅋ [Eung~ well it’s the start now~ dont say it’s too much trouble when i say we need to practice alot keke]
BoA_1105: 막방였어???? 헐... 후속곡기대할께요^^RT @officialse7en: 아쉬운 베러투게더 마지막 방송 ㅠㅠ 안무때문에 애를 많이먹었던 잊혀지지않을 (cont) http://tl.gd/39bmjk [That was your last performance?? Goodness…Looking forward to your follow up song^^ RT @officialse7en: The sad last performance of Better Together TT This is a song I wont forget because I had a hard time from the choreography..(cont) http://tl.gd/39bmjk]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 응~ 뭐 막방이라기 보단~ 이것저것 많이 할라고!!^^ 연습잘하고 잠좀 푹 자길...!! Holla~ [Eung~Well rather than saying it’s the last performance~ it’s just that I’m going to be doing alot of this and that!!^^ Practise well and sleep well…!!Holla~]
(9) Conversation between BoA and Yoon Eun Hye.(1003grace)
1003Grace: @BoA_1105 응 안올껴 언닌 추격자도못봐써!! 우리 조만간 빨리보자 영화두보자 ㅋㅋ [Eung, you wont be able to sleep~ I havent even watched ‘Chaser’! Let’s watch a movie soon together keke]
BoA_1005: @1003Grace ㅋㅋㅋㅋ그랴그랴보러가자공^^ 막걸리도마시고^^ [kekekek sure sure let’s go watch it^^ and drink some makguli too^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 @1003grace 너희둘이 작전짜는 사이구나!!^^ 그럼 나도 껴야겠다 ㅋ [So you two have a conspiring relationship!!^^ If that’s the case then I’m going to have to step in between you two as well ke]
Heehihi: @officialse7en 오빠~수고하셨습니다아~ 잘 챙겨주셔서 항상 감사하게 생각하고 있어요~감동의 도가니탕이에요~앞으로도 화이팅!^0^히히 [Oppa~ you worked hard~ I’m always thankful that you take good care of me~ The dogani soup (beef cartilage soup) was very touching~ Keep fighting!^o^ hihi]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Heehihi 오빠가 항상 고맙지!!^^ 조만간 도가니탕 한그릇 쏜다!!! ㅋㅋ [I always thank you!!^^ I’ll buy you dogani soup soon!! keke]
Translated by Cecilia
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Se7en, “TOP is the funniest YG Family member”
Se7en who came back with his new song “Better together”, chose BIG BANG T.O.P as the funniest member in YG Family.
He said, “I’m the best on TV shows but in fact, the funniest member in YG Family is T.O.P, not either Daesung or Seungri.” He also added, “He is the funniest, not in front of the camera. He is just so funny in private, just with us.”
Se7en also said that he envy BIG BANG. He said, “I envy the idols these days“, “I think it’s because I’m on the stage alone.” Added, “I am satisfied with my age now, but I think it is better when I was younger.”
Another hot issue for today was Se7en’s new hairstyle. He said, “It’s called “the hair licked by a cow”, I think it’s good.” He just smiled without an answer when the another interviewer, Choi Hwajung asked about what his girl friend Park Hanbyul said about it.
However, Se7en got more than 8 thousand cheering replies to do a mission. It was to show his tattoo on his arm, and he finally did.
Translated by & credit:HuisuYoon@21BANGS.com
Taken from Kbites
Narsha and Se7en are Like Siblings?
On August 19th, Narsha invited Se7en as a guest on KBS 2FM ‘Narsha’s Volume Up-Wednesday’s Special Invitation.‘
Attention-grabbing photos of Se7en and Narsha were uploaded onto the website of KBS 2FM ‘Narsha’s Volume Up‘ the next day. Videos of the two singing for the radio show appeared as well.
After the radio show was over, Se7en and Narsha playfully became ‘Superior Se7en and Narsha’ as they made “super” poses. Netizens commented, “Se7en and Narsha really seem like siblings.”
With this kind of relationship, let’s hope we see the two release a single together one day!
Source: Newsen Jun Won Reporter, NewsJoin
Translation: inlovable92 @kpoplive.com
Written By: superaznpanda@kpoplive.com
Taken from kpoplive
100821 Performance on Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook
Come back to me
Listen (original song by Beyonce)
Better Together
All video credit to: shu8164
Listen (original song by Beyonce)
Better Together
All video credit to: shu8164
Friday, August 20, 2010
Se7en reveals his tattoo
Recently, Se7en made his first radio show appearance since his comeback as he made an appearance on August 19th’s radio broadcast of SBS Choi Hwa Jung’s Power Time.
In his visit, Se7en had a special mission. The mission was that if there were more than seven thousand supportive messages posted on the radio show’s board, he had to show his tattoo.
Later on, it was revealed that he had around eight thousand messages, so he revealed his tattoo that was drawn on his upper left arm.
As seen in the photo above, the tattoo reveals a drawing of a treble cliff that has a wing attached at the front, and behind it is what looks like a sun.
Regarding what the tattoo represents, he commented, “It expresses my desire to commit myself with music and to fly high with my goals I have set.”
Fans and netizens who have seen Se7en’s tattoo have replied back things such as, “Oppa~ I am satisfied that you showed your tattoo through this mission,” “The tattoo looks more upgraded than before! Very cool!,” “Forget about the tattoo, I am happy to see your muscular arms” and “I am impressed with the eight thousand messages. Must be the Se7en effect!“
Taken from : allkpop
[News]Se7en’s episode of Golden Fishery sees a rise in ratings
Se7en, who is doing well with his career and his love life, appeared as a guest on MBC show “Golden Fishery” and caused a rise in the ratings.
On the 19th August, according to AGN Nielsen, the nationwide ratings for Golden Fishery on the 18th was 15.6%, which was an increase from 14.8% the previous week.
On this day, Se7en, who has released a new album “Digital Bounce” for the first time in 4 years appeared on the show, revealing stories from before his debut and also about his 8 year relationship with Park Han Byul for the first time.
Se7en’s honest and frank confession and his continuous talk grabbed the hearts of the viewers and caused the rise in ratings.
During the show, Se7en talked about how he had felt that he would be a singer from a young age, about the hardships he suffered in the US and also about his affection towards his girlfriend Park Han Byul.
Original article from Osen
Translation by Cecilia
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