Ver. A
Ver. B
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
[Twitter] 110328 + 110329 + 110330
OFFICIALSE7EN: Beautiful nite in bangkok... At ma hotel suite... Ill meet yall THAI fans tmrw!! Good nite everybody!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @choisora_91 생일축하해요 소라!!!^^ G nite!!! [Happy Birthday Sora!!!^^ G nite!!!]
cj0605: @officialse7en 나 열봉왔어 ㅋ태국좋으냐?? [I came to Yeolbong keke~ Liking thailand??]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @cj0605 똑싸~~~이~~~ [I like~~ it~~] T/N: This was in thai but sounded out in hangul
OFFICIALSE7EN: Bangkok!!! I had a goooood time w U guys!! Thank u sooo much!!! Ill c u on April 29th again!! Pom rak kun~~~ Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @kjy0624 happy bday 지영 [Ji young]^^ hva great day!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: Thank u Thailand!!! Ill c ya next month again!! Kokun Ma krub!!! Pom rak kun~ peace!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @monmonan happy bday!!! Hva great day!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Melissa_Rain_7 happy bday melissa~ hva goood one!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @_szaan oh~ happy bday too szan!!! Hva great day!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @7D1Love happu bday Mi~!!! hva good one!! Ja ne~~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @eun7jung 은정아~ 생일축하했어^^ 항상 웃는얼굴이길바래!!! 안뇽~ [Eun jung ah~ happy belated birthday^^ I hope that you are always smiling!! Bye~]
Translated by ceciliase7en
OFFICIALSE7EN: Beautiful nite in bangkok... At ma hotel suite... Ill meet yall THAI fans tmrw!! Good nite everybody!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @choisora_91 생일축하해요 소라!!!^^ G nite!!! [Happy Birthday Sora!!!^^ G nite!!!]
cj0605: @officialse7en 나 열봉왔어 ㅋ태국좋으냐?? [I came to Yeolbong keke~ Liking thailand??]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @cj0605 똑싸~~~이~~~ [I like~~ it~~] T/N: This was in thai but sounded out in hangul
OFFICIALSE7EN: Bangkok!!! I had a goooood time w U guys!! Thank u sooo much!!! Ill c u on April 29th again!! Pom rak kun~~~ Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @kjy0624 happy bday 지영 [Ji young]^^ hva great day!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: Thank u Thailand!!! Ill c ya next month again!! Kokun Ma krub!!! Pom rak kun~ peace!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @monmonan happy bday!!! Hva great day!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Melissa_Rain_7 happy bday melissa~ hva goood one!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @_szaan oh~ happy bday too szan!!! Hva great day!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @7D1Love happu bday Mi~!!! hva good one!! Ja ne~~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @eun7jung 은정아~ 생일축하했어^^ 항상 웃는얼굴이길바래!!! 안뇽~ [Eun jung ah~ happy belated birthday^^ I hope that you are always smiling!! Bye~]
Translated by ceciliase7en
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
[VID] 110328 Se7en at PD Showtime Presscon
Digital Bounce
Better Together
Group interview
Leaving the venue
Better Together
Group interview
Leaving the venue
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
[VID] 110327 Se7en at YG Family Concert 2010 (TBS)
Better Together+Passion
Hot 뜨거 - with GD & TOP (start at 1:45)
20110327tYG02 by happyrichlife
Champion- with YG Family
Note: Come Back To Me/와줘 performance video has already been uploaded by ygconcert youtube channel here. So it's complete! ^^
Hot 뜨거 - with GD & TOP (start at 1:45)
20110327tYG02 by happyrichlife
Champion- with YG Family
Note: Come Back To Me/와줘 performance video has already been uploaded by ygconcert youtube channel here. So it's complete! ^^
[Twitter] 110327
OFFICIALSE7EN: Wassup THAI~!!! Sawadee krab~ Ill c ya tomorrow~ 3:00 at Paragon hall 3 holla~~
Note: He's in Thailand to attend the press conference for the PD concert next month, plus there will be a special performance tomorrow for the lucky ones! - ceciliase7en
Note: He's in Thailand to attend the press conference for the PD concert next month, plus there will be a special performance tomorrow for the lucky ones! - ceciliase7en
[VID] 110326 Se7en at Yin Yue Feng Yun Bang
Saturday, March 26, 2011
[Twitter] 110325
OFFICIALSE7EN: @yeosoom7 생일축하해 여숨!!!^^ 좋은밤 보내고 오늘하루 행복하길!! Happy bday!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @katiederella happy bday katie!!! Hva gooood one!!! Holla~~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @megumin1224 꼭 전해주세요~ to. Rumiko... 하루빨리 건강해지길 바래요!!! 힘내요!! はやく げんきに なってください!!! se7enより. [Please pass the message on to her~ to. Rumiko..I hope that you get better as soon as possible!!Cheer up!! (J)please be healthy soon!! from se7en.]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 영화 재밌더라!! 대박나길^^ '마이 블랙 미니드레스' 화이팅!! “@1003Grace: 3월에눈도오고 바람도차고. . .그래두 오늘부터 무사히시작했습니다~떨린당!!쿠항 *마블미* 마니마니 사랑해주세용♥ 아자 아자~!!” [The movie is interesting!!Hoping that it will do well^^ My black minidress fighting!! “@1003Grace: It’s snowing and windy even in this month of March..even so it started smoothly today~nervous!!*aegyo sound* Please give*Mablmi* [taking the first syllable of each word from my black minidress] lots of support~aja aja~!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @nana222kuro お母さんは!!! お誕生日 おめでとう ございます!!! かんぺきな いちにちに なってくたさい!!^^ [Mom!! Happy birthday!! Please have a perfect day!! ^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @junjun0325mama wow!! Junjunちゃん!! 誕生日 おめでとう!!! Hva great day!!! [wow!! Junjun-chan!! Happy bday!! Hva great day!!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @se7enray hey!!! Happy happy bday!!! Hva greeeeaatttt day!!!! Lucky se7en!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @heykyujin 축하한다!! Good luck!! [Congratulations!! Good luck!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 여러분~제 동생이 이벤트카페를 오픈했어요~많이사랑해주세요!!클릭클릭^^ @heykyujin: Hello~저 이벤트 카페 열었어요!연인과의 기념일 이벤트,이제 저에게 연락주세요^^ [Everyone~ My dongsaeng has opened an event cafe~Please give it lots of support!!click click^^ @heykujin: Hello~ I have opened an event cafe! Anniversary events with your lover, please contact me now^^ I will do well! keke Please take a look at!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @setayyhj happy bday setenay!!! hva good one!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Oumii_VIP happy bday Oumii!!!! Hva good one!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @iheartchair happy bday clare!!! Hva good one!!! Holla~~
Japanese translation by noizumi, korean translation by ceciliase7en
OFFICIALSE7EN: @yeosoom7 생일축하해 여숨!!!^^ 좋은밤 보내고 오늘하루 행복하길!! Happy bday!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @katiederella happy bday katie!!! Hva gooood one!!! Holla~~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @megumin1224 꼭 전해주세요~ to. Rumiko... 하루빨리 건강해지길 바래요!!! 힘내요!! はやく げんきに なってください!!! se7enより. [Please pass the message on to her~ to. Rumiko..I hope that you get better as soon as possible!!Cheer up!! (J)please be healthy soon!! from se7en.]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 영화 재밌더라!! 대박나길^^ '마이 블랙 미니드레스' 화이팅!! “@1003Grace: 3월에눈도오고 바람도차고. . .그래두 오늘부터 무사히시작했습니다~떨린당!!쿠항 *마블미* 마니마니 사랑해주세용♥ 아자 아자~!!” [The movie is interesting!!Hoping that it will do well^^ My black minidress fighting!! “@1003Grace: It’s snowing and windy even in this month of March..even so it started smoothly today~nervous!!*aegyo sound* Please give*Mablmi* [taking the first syllable of each word from my black minidress] lots of support~aja aja~!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @nana222kuro お母さんは!!! お誕生日 おめでとう ございます!!! かんぺきな いちにちに なってくたさい!!^^ [Mom!! Happy birthday!! Please have a perfect day!! ^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @junjun0325mama wow!! Junjunちゃん!! 誕生日 おめでとう!!! Hva great day!!! [wow!! Junjun-chan!! Happy bday!! Hva great day!!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @se7enray hey!!! Happy happy bday!!! Hva greeeeaatttt day!!!! Lucky se7en!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @heykyujin 축하한다!! Good luck!! [Congratulations!! Good luck!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 여러분~제 동생이 이벤트카페를 오픈했어요~많이사랑해주세요!!클릭클릭^^ @heykyujin: Hello~저 이벤트 카페 열었어요!연인과의 기념일 이벤트,이제 저에게 연락주세요^^ [Everyone~ My dongsaeng has opened an event cafe~Please give it lots of support!!click click^^ @heykujin: Hello~ I have opened an event cafe! Anniversary events with your lover, please contact me now^^ I will do well! keke Please take a look at!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @setayyhj happy bday setenay!!! hva good one!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Oumii_VIP happy bday Oumii!!!! Hva good one!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @iheartchair happy bday clare!!! Hva good one!!! Holla~~
Japanese translation by noizumi, korean translation by ceciliase7en
Thursday, March 24, 2011
[Twitter] 110324
love_tangle: 오늘 열봉찜닭 드디어 먹었어요!! 멋진 세븐도 만나고 맛있는 저녁도 먹구 !! 감기가 날라간 느낌!! [I finally ate at Yeolbong steam chicken today!! I met the cool se7en and got to eat dinner as well!! Felt as if my cold went away!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @love_tangle 땡큐 쏘 마취^^ 반가웠어요~ 조만간 또 봐요!! 주위에 잘 찾아볼게요!! ㅋㅋ [Thank you so much^^It was nice seeing you~I’ll see you again soon!!I’ll look around to find you!!keke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @emicog oh~ happy bday emico!!! Hope u hada goood time!!! Ja ne~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @mskateee happy bday kate!!!! Hva great day!!! Holla~~
realslow1982: 10년동안 이런 과분한 사랑을 받는 제가 스스로 자랑스러운 날입니다 ㅠ 엄마 나 일등해써효!!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @realslow1982 great^^ 축하축하
29rain: 드뎌 토요일부터 시작입니다...!!!!!!!!!!!! 새로운 아시아투어 "THE BEST" Asia Tour Concert 북경을 시작으로 마카오 태국 싱가폴 말레이시아 대만 등등 ㅋ새로만든 레이져쇼 기대해주세영^^
Translated by ceciliase7en [1-3][4-5]
love_tangle: 오늘 열봉찜닭 드디어 먹었어요!! 멋진 세븐도 만나고 맛있는 저녁도 먹구 !! 감기가 날라간 느낌!! [I finally ate at Yeolbong steam chicken today!! I met the cool se7en and got to eat dinner as well!! Felt as if my cold went away!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @love_tangle 땡큐 쏘 마취^^ 반가웠어요~ 조만간 또 봐요!! 주위에 잘 찾아볼게요!! ㅋㅋ [Thank you so much^^It was nice seeing you~I’ll see you again soon!!I’ll look around to find you!!keke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @emicog oh~ happy bday emico!!! Hope u hada goood time!!! Ja ne~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @mskateee happy bday kate!!!! Hva great day!!! Holla~~
realslow1982: 10년동안 이런 과분한 사랑을 받는 제가 스스로 자랑스러운 날입니다 ㅠ 엄마 나 일등해써효!!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @realslow1982 great^^ 축하축하
29rain: 드뎌 토요일부터 시작입니다...!!!!!!!!!!!! 새로운 아시아투어 "THE BEST" Asia Tour Concert 북경을 시작으로 마카오 태국 싱가폴 말레이시아 대만 등등 ㅋ새로만든 레이져쇼 기대해주세영^^
Translated by ceciliase7en [1-3][4-5]
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
[INFO] Se7en to attend PD radio concert in Thailand!
Concert: PD radio concert in Thailand
Date: April 29, 2011
Place: Rajamangala National Stadium
Artists including : TVXQ Super Junior Se7en etc.
credit: 90 RuammitRadio
shared+trans by:
Source: Daily K Pop News
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
[NEWS] Park Han Byul asked Se7en for advice about her movie’s sexy dance
It was revealed recently that actress Park Han Byul asked her boyfriend Se7en for advice on how to pull off a seductive dance for her new movie.
In “My Black Mini Dress,” the actress plays the role of ‘Hye Ji‘, who’s been a celebrity since birth and lives a privileged lifestyle. She is a club maniac, so Park Han Byul was scripted to perform a sexy dance in one of the scenes.
For the dance scene, it was revealed that the actress practiced for two months in order to pull it off. She majored in traditional Korean dance, and so when she was required to dance to a song with faster beats, she felt that she had to ask Se7en for advice, in addition to watching many dance videos.
The sexy dance was filmed in the beginning of February for more than four hours.
The actress reportedly received praises from the staff for holding herself together and dancing fabulously among the professional dancers.
“My Black Mini Dress” is a chick flick that tells the story about four friends – played by Park Han Byul, Yoon Eun Hye, Cha Ye Ryun and Yoo In Na - and is set to be released on March 24th.
Check out her dance clip below!
Source: Seoul NTN
Taken from Allkpop
[Twitter] 110322
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Eunsun7 은선양~ 스물한번째 생일 축하해요!! 좋은하루 보내요 나도 오늘 좋은하루^^ [Eun sun~ happy 21st birthday!! Have a good day~And a good day to me too^^] [He's referring to his 8th 'birthday' (anniversary)]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 2003년3월22일~오늘 세븐 데뷔 8주년!!! 벌써 9년차가수지만 마음만은 항상 신인같은 순수한(?)^^ 저를 아껴주시고 사랑해주셔서 감사합니다!! 앞으로도 더 좋은음악 멋진무대 약속합니다!! 축하해주신 모든분들 감사합니다!! 사랑합니다!!^^ [22nd March 2003~ Today is se7en’s 8th debut anniversary!! Although I’m a singer in my 9th year thank you for loving and treasuring me, who at least in terms of mindset is always pure (?)^^ like a newcomer!! I promise that in the future I will bring you better music and cool performances!! Thank you to everyone who congratulated me! I love you!!^^]
nanaj2: @officialse7en 추카추카 가로수열봉에서 식사중 ^0^ [Congrats congrats I’m eating at garosu Yeolbong now ^o^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @nanaj2 thanks bro!!! 싱가폴 같이 가야하는데…^^ [thanks bro!! We have to go to singapore together..^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: I wanna thank you all who congratulate on my 8th year. I promise that I’m coming back with great songs and shows to you.Xie Xie~ kokunkap^^
OFFICIALSE7EN: みなさん ありがとう!! ぼく もっと かんばります!! 日本の みなさんも がんばって ください!!! はやく あいたいです!! あいしてます!!! [Thank you everyone! I will work harder! Everyone in Japan fighting! I want to see you guys too! I love you] [ japanese to chinese trans thx to se7en's baidu bar]
HitechMain: @officialse7en 형님 진심을다해축하드려용>< [Hyungnim I sincerely congratulate you]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @HitechMain thanks bruh!!!^^
lullabykiz: 8th Anniversary Congratulation~!! to @officialse7en 아빠~ 기념일 축하 해요 ^^ 사랑해~아빠 [8th Anniversary Congratulation~!! to @officialse7en Appa~ [note: appa means dad] congratulations for the anniversary^^ I love you appa]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @lullabykiz haha~ im not yo father!! Not 아빠.. Its “오빠” thank u anywayz~ [haha~ im not yo father! Not appa..Its ‘oppa’ thank u anywayz]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @choisujung 수정양~ 생일 미리 축하해요~ 내일 아주 좋은하루 보내길 바래요^^ happy bday!!! [Soo jung~ Happy birthday in advance~I hope you have a very good day tomorrow^^ happy bday!!!]
kasabianskc: @officialse7en 벌써8년이야!? 우화아~!! 대박! 앞으로도 멋지게 잘해보자!! 축하해~ [Is it already 8 years!? Wow~!! Daebak!! Let’s work together coolly in the future together!!Congrats~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @kasabianskc okay!!! Lets do it!!! 고고씽!!!^^ [okay!!! Lets do it!!! Go go go!!!^^]
mingkki21:@officialse7en 우와~!!!오빠 18년이 됐든 28년이됐든 몇년이 됐든 간에 계속 이렇게 멋지고, 아름다운 선배님+오빠로 남아주세요~^^ [Wah~!! No matter when it becomes 18 years or 28 years, please continue to stay a cool, beautiful sun bae + oppa~^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: mingkki21 땡큐~ 그러자꾸나!!! 밍끼도 지금처럼 항상 이쁜 동생으로 남아주세요^^ [Thank you~ Let’s do that!! Mingkki , please also continue to be a beautiful dongsaeng like you are now^^]
WAWASOUL: @officialse7en 카~ 수퍼스타!! 벌써 구년째야??!!? 고등학생때첨봤는데 ㅋㅋㅋ 추카한다~ 앞으로 31년더 쭉~욱!!! [Kyaaa~ Superstar!! It’s already 9 years??!!? I saw you first when you were in high school kekeke~ congrats~ continue for the next 31 years!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL 난 고등학생때 형 기억안나ㅋㅋㅋ 근데 나 40년만 하고 은퇴해?! 쫌만 더 하믄 안되나!!?? [I dont remember hyung from high school days keke~ So i’m to retire after only 40 years?! Cant I continue for a bit longer than that?]
Hwangssabu: @officialse7en 우와~~축하축하~^^ 항상 건강하자!^^ [Wah~~congrats~^^ Let’s be healthy always!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Hwangssabu 하하^^ 조만간 운동하러 가겠슴돠!!! Thank u sirrr!!! [Ha ha^^ I will go work out soon!! Thank u sirrr!!!]
jhs7987: @officialse7en 최강동안순수미남가수 세븐♡_♡ 오빠!!!! 정말 축하드려요~~ 앞으로도 쭈~욱 멋진가수 다정한오빠로 저의곁에 후후^^~ 전 럭.세♬ 오늘 의미있고 즐거운 하루 되세용+_+ [The best-babyface-pure-flower boy- singer se7en♡_♡ Oppa!!! Really congratulate you~~Please stay as the cool singer kind oppa next to me huhu^^~I’m a lucky se7en~ Have a meaningful and enjoyable day today+_+ ]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 고마왕^^ 앞으로 더 잘해보자꾸나!!! 오엘두 홧팅!!!! ㅋ [Thank you^^ Let’s continue to work hard together!! Fighting to you too OL!!ke]
BoA_1105: @officialse7en 축하축하!! 우리가 첨 봤을때 고등학생였지?! ㅋㅋ ㅎㅎ오빠 너무 축하하고 앞으로도 멋진모습 기대할께잉^^ [Congrats!!We first met in high school didnt we?! keke hehe Oppa, congratulations and I’ll be watching out for your cool appearance^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 흠… 그러게 시간 참 빠르지?? 더 멋진 활동하자구!! 너두 힘내구 화이팅!!! 땡큐^^ [Hmm.. that’s right, times passes quickly doesnt it?? Let’s continue to show cool performances/activities!! Gather strength and fighting to you too!! thank you^^]
Sj861117sj: @officialse7en 옵하추카드려요>_< [Oppa congratulations >_<]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sj861117sj 고맙다 토 ㅋ [Thank you]
wowokhy: @officialse7en 오빠 !왕왕 축하드려요~! 같은팀으로써 팬으로써 계속응원하겠습니다~~>0o [Oppa! Super congrats~! As a member of the same team, and as a fan, I will continue to cheer you on~>o]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @wowokhy ^^ thank u!!! 다같이 화이팅~[^^ thank you!!! Let’s fighting altogether~]
Melody323232: @officialse7en 와~너두 벌써 9년차!? 추카추카해~ 기념?으루 가로수열봉에서 맛나게 찜닭시식ㅋ 자주 나오고싶지만 내겐 쉽지 않은걸음 또먹고싶당~~ [Wah~ You’re also in your 9th year!? Congrats~As an anniversary ? I will go to Yeolbong at garosu and try the steam chicken deliciously keke~I want to come out often but it’s not easy for me~I want to eat again~~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Melody323232 ^^ 땡큐땡큐~ c ya!! [^^ Thank you thank you~ cya!!]
WAWASOUL: @officialse7en @boa_1105 니네둘이뭐야.. 가식적인대화는?ㅋ 그냥 평소 하던대루해~!!! ㅋ[What’s up with you two…and this fake conversation? keke Just talk like you guys usually do~!!ke]
OFFICIALSE7EN:@WAWASOUL 안돼… 그러다 욕나오면 안되자나… [Cant…because swear words might come out…]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 팬들이 선물해준 너무 예쁜 8주년 기념 케이크!!! 땡큐 쏘 마취!!! Ps. 저 7 포즈로 인증샷 찍으려 했으나.. 이젠 나이가 들어서 좀... ㅋㅋ [The very beautiful 8th anniversary cake given to me as a gift by fans!! Thank you so much!! Ps.. I was going to take a photo with the cake doing the ’7′ pose..but since i’m getting old now so..keke]
ohyongzu: 난 지금도 할수있다능 [I can still do it now]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @ohyongzu ㅋㅋ 역시 전설의 댄서... 인증샷 올려주삼~ [keke Indeed the legendary dancer… Please upload a photo of proof]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 마음씨도 이쁜 우리 럭세~ thank u sooo much!!! “@YEOLBONG: 파리넬리 럭세 여러분~ 감사합니당!!! 꼬끼오^^” [Our lucky se7en who have beautiful hearts~thank u sooo much!!! “@YEOLBONG: Lucky se7en from farineli~ Thank you!!*chicken noise*]
Jsmining:@officialse7en 펜들 뿐아니라 같이 일하는 스텝들이 모두 좋아하는 세봉이 추카 앞으로도 쭉 사랑받어 ^^ 쉽게 말해 계속 니한테 잘하란 이야기 ^^ [Not just fans but also staff who work together with you congratulates Sebong – the one that everyone likes~Continue to receive lots of love^^To put it simply, i’m telling you to continue to do well^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Jsmining 형 이제 춤 그만출때 되지않았나?? [Hyung hasnt the time come for you to stop dancing?]
WAWASOUL: 8주년 축하해~ [Congrats for your 8th anniversary~<3]
[Note: the thing they are holding is a gift from farineli, a 'certificate' for him going through 8 years]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL 하트는 좀 빼줘 부담스러 ㅋ [Get rid of the heart, i feel burdened keke]
Heehihi: @officialse7en 우왕~완전 축하드려요! 멋진모습 쭈우우욱 계속 보여주세용용^.^ 세븐 뽀레버~~~ [WOw~ Congratulations! Pleaseeee continueee to show us your cool image ^.^ Se7en forever~~~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Heehihi 고맙고맙고맙다!!^^ 조만간 회식 한번 고고씽~ [Thank thank thank you!!^^ Let’s have a gathering soon~]
1003Grace: @officialse7en 헉^_^;; 8년 밖에 안되었구나 ㅎㅎ 아직 풋풋하네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ장난이구 마니마니축하해 [Heuk^_^ So it’s only been 8 years hehe~ you’re still fresh kekeke~just kidding~ congratulations]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @1003Grace 맞아 난 아직 풋풋~^^ 고맙네 친구!!! [That’s right i’m still fresh~^^ Thank you friend!!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @blush4bieber oh~ happy bday!!! Hva good one!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @kasabianskc happy bday bruh!!! 선물은 태국가서 쏠께^^ [happy bday bruh!!! I’ll buy your present when I go to Thailand^^]
Translated by ceciliase7en [1-18] [19-26]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Eunsun7 은선양~ 스물한번째 생일 축하해요!! 좋은하루 보내요 나도 오늘 좋은하루^^ [Eun sun~ happy 21st birthday!! Have a good day~And a good day to me too^^] [He's referring to his 8th 'birthday' (anniversary)]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 2003년3월22일~오늘 세븐 데뷔 8주년!!! 벌써 9년차가수지만 마음만은 항상 신인같은 순수한(?)^^ 저를 아껴주시고 사랑해주셔서 감사합니다!! 앞으로도 더 좋은음악 멋진무대 약속합니다!! 축하해주신 모든분들 감사합니다!! 사랑합니다!!^^ [22nd March 2003~ Today is se7en’s 8th debut anniversary!! Although I’m a singer in my 9th year thank you for loving and treasuring me, who at least in terms of mindset is always pure (?)^^ like a newcomer!! I promise that in the future I will bring you better music and cool performances!! Thank you to everyone who congratulated me! I love you!!^^]
nanaj2: @officialse7en 추카추카 가로수열봉에서 식사중 ^0^ [Congrats congrats I’m eating at garosu Yeolbong now ^o^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @nanaj2 thanks bro!!! 싱가폴 같이 가야하는데…^^ [thanks bro!! We have to go to singapore together..^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: I wanna thank you all who congratulate on my 8th year. I promise that I’m coming back with great songs and shows to you.Xie Xie~ kokunkap^^
OFFICIALSE7EN: みなさん ありがとう!! ぼく もっと かんばります!! 日本の みなさんも がんばって ください!!! はやく あいたいです!! あいしてます!!! [Thank you everyone! I will work harder! Everyone in Japan fighting! I want to see you guys too! I love you] [ japanese to chinese trans thx to se7en's baidu bar]
HitechMain: @officialse7en 형님 진심을다해축하드려용>< [Hyungnim I sincerely congratulate you]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @HitechMain thanks bruh!!!^^
lullabykiz: 8th Anniversary Congratulation~!! to @officialse7en 아빠~ 기념일 축하 해요 ^^ 사랑해~아빠 [8th Anniversary Congratulation~!! to @officialse7en Appa~ [note: appa means dad] congratulations for the anniversary^^ I love you appa]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @lullabykiz haha~ im not yo father!! Not 아빠.. Its “오빠” thank u anywayz~ [haha~ im not yo father! Not appa..Its ‘oppa’ thank u anywayz]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @choisujung 수정양~ 생일 미리 축하해요~ 내일 아주 좋은하루 보내길 바래요^^ happy bday!!! [Soo jung~ Happy birthday in advance~I hope you have a very good day tomorrow^^ happy bday!!!]
kasabianskc: @officialse7en 벌써8년이야!? 우화아~!! 대박! 앞으로도 멋지게 잘해보자!! 축하해~ [Is it already 8 years!? Wow~!! Daebak!! Let’s work together coolly in the future together!!Congrats~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @kasabianskc okay!!! Lets do it!!! 고고씽!!!^^ [okay!!! Lets do it!!! Go go go!!!^^]
mingkki21:@officialse7en 우와~!!!오빠 18년이 됐든 28년이됐든 몇년이 됐든 간에 계속 이렇게 멋지고, 아름다운 선배님+오빠로 남아주세요~^^ [Wah~!! No matter when it becomes 18 years or 28 years, please continue to stay a cool, beautiful sun bae + oppa~^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: mingkki21 땡큐~ 그러자꾸나!!! 밍끼도 지금처럼 항상 이쁜 동생으로 남아주세요^^ [Thank you~ Let’s do that!! Mingkki , please also continue to be a beautiful dongsaeng like you are now^^]
WAWASOUL: @officialse7en 카~ 수퍼스타!! 벌써 구년째야??!!? 고등학생때첨봤는데 ㅋㅋㅋ 추카한다~ 앞으로 31년더 쭉~욱!!! [Kyaaa~ Superstar!! It’s already 9 years??!!? I saw you first when you were in high school kekeke~ congrats~ continue for the next 31 years!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL 난 고등학생때 형 기억안나ㅋㅋㅋ 근데 나 40년만 하고 은퇴해?! 쫌만 더 하믄 안되나!!?? [I dont remember hyung from high school days keke~ So i’m to retire after only 40 years?! Cant I continue for a bit longer than that?]
Hwangssabu: @officialse7en 우와~~축하축하~^^ 항상 건강하자!^^ [Wah~~congrats~^^ Let’s be healthy always!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Hwangssabu 하하^^ 조만간 운동하러 가겠슴돠!!! Thank u sirrr!!! [Ha ha^^ I will go work out soon!! Thank u sirrr!!!]
jhs7987: @officialse7en 최강동안순수미남가수 세븐♡_♡ 오빠!!!! 정말 축하드려요~~ 앞으로도 쭈~욱 멋진가수 다정한오빠로 저의곁에 후후^^~ 전 럭.세♬ 오늘 의미있고 즐거운 하루 되세용+_+ [The best-babyface-pure-flower boy- singer se7en♡_♡ Oppa!!! Really congratulate you~~Please stay as the cool singer kind oppa next to me huhu^^~I’m a lucky se7en~ Have a meaningful and enjoyable day today+_+ ]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 고마왕^^ 앞으로 더 잘해보자꾸나!!! 오엘두 홧팅!!!! ㅋ [Thank you^^ Let’s continue to work hard together!! Fighting to you too OL!!ke]
BoA_1105: @officialse7en 축하축하!! 우리가 첨 봤을때 고등학생였지?! ㅋㅋ ㅎㅎ오빠 너무 축하하고 앞으로도 멋진모습 기대할께잉^^ [Congrats!!We first met in high school didnt we?! keke hehe Oppa, congratulations and I’ll be watching out for your cool appearance^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 흠… 그러게 시간 참 빠르지?? 더 멋진 활동하자구!! 너두 힘내구 화이팅!!! 땡큐^^ [Hmm.. that’s right, times passes quickly doesnt it?? Let’s continue to show cool performances/activities!! Gather strength and fighting to you too!! thank you^^]
Sj861117sj: @officialse7en 옵하추카드려요>_< [Oppa congratulations >_<]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sj861117sj 고맙다 토 ㅋ [Thank you]
wowokhy: @officialse7en 오빠 !왕왕 축하드려요~! 같은팀으로써 팬으로써 계속응원하겠습니다~~>0o [Oppa! Super congrats~! As a member of the same team, and as a fan, I will continue to cheer you on~>o]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @wowokhy ^^ thank u!!! 다같이 화이팅~[^^ thank you!!! Let’s fighting altogether~]
Melody323232: @officialse7en 와~너두 벌써 9년차!? 추카추카해~ 기념?으루 가로수열봉에서 맛나게 찜닭시식ㅋ 자주 나오고싶지만 내겐 쉽지 않은걸음 또먹고싶당~~ [Wah~ You’re also in your 9th year!? Congrats~As an anniversary ? I will go to Yeolbong at garosu and try the steam chicken deliciously keke~I want to come out often but it’s not easy for me~I want to eat again~~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Melody323232 ^^ 땡큐땡큐~ c ya!! [^^ Thank you thank you~ cya!!]
WAWASOUL: @officialse7en @boa_1105 니네둘이뭐야.. 가식적인대화는?ㅋ 그냥 평소 하던대루해~!!! ㅋ[What’s up with you two…and this fake conversation? keke Just talk like you guys usually do~!!ke]
OFFICIALSE7EN:@WAWASOUL 안돼… 그러다 욕나오면 안되자나… [Cant…because swear words might come out…]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 팬들이 선물해준 너무 예쁜 8주년 기념 케이크!!! 땡큐 쏘 마취!!! Ps. 저 7 포즈로 인증샷 찍으려 했으나.. 이젠 나이가 들어서 좀... ㅋㅋ [The very beautiful 8th anniversary cake given to me as a gift by fans!! Thank you so much!! Ps.. I was going to take a photo with the cake doing the ’7′ pose..but since i’m getting old now so..keke]
ohyongzu: 난 지금도 할수있다능 [I can still do it now]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @ohyongzu ㅋㅋ 역시 전설의 댄서... 인증샷 올려주삼~ [keke Indeed the legendary dancer… Please upload a photo of proof]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 마음씨도 이쁜 우리 럭세~ thank u sooo much!!! “@YEOLBONG: 파리넬리 럭세 여러분~ 감사합니당!!! 꼬끼오^^” [Our lucky se7en who have beautiful hearts~thank u sooo much!!! “@YEOLBONG: Lucky se7en from farineli~ Thank you!!*chicken noise*]
Jsmining:@officialse7en 펜들 뿐아니라 같이 일하는 스텝들이 모두 좋아하는 세봉이 추카 앞으로도 쭉 사랑받어 ^^ 쉽게 말해 계속 니한테 잘하란 이야기 ^^ [Not just fans but also staff who work together with you congratulates Sebong – the one that everyone likes~Continue to receive lots of love^^To put it simply, i’m telling you to continue to do well^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Jsmining 형 이제 춤 그만출때 되지않았나?? [Hyung hasnt the time come for you to stop dancing?]
WAWASOUL: 8주년 축하해~ [Congrats for your 8th anniversary~<3]
[Note: the thing they are holding is a gift from farineli, a 'certificate' for him going through 8 years]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL 하트는 좀 빼줘 부담스러 ㅋ [Get rid of the heart, i feel burdened keke]
Heehihi: @officialse7en 우왕~완전 축하드려요! 멋진모습 쭈우우욱 계속 보여주세용용^.^ 세븐 뽀레버~~~ [WOw~ Congratulations! Pleaseeee continueee to show us your cool image ^.^ Se7en forever~~~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Heehihi 고맙고맙고맙다!!^^ 조만간 회식 한번 고고씽~ [Thank thank thank you!!^^ Let’s have a gathering soon~]
1003Grace: @officialse7en 헉^_^;; 8년 밖에 안되었구나 ㅎㅎ 아직 풋풋하네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ장난이구 마니마니축하해 [Heuk^_^ So it’s only been 8 years hehe~ you’re still fresh kekeke~just kidding~ congratulations]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @1003Grace 맞아 난 아직 풋풋~^^ 고맙네 친구!!! [That’s right i’m still fresh~^^ Thank you friend!!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @blush4bieber oh~ happy bday!!! Hva good one!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: @kasabianskc happy bday bruh!!! 선물은 태국가서 쏠께^^ [happy bday bruh!!! I’ll buy your present when I go to Thailand^^]
Translated by ceciliase7en [1-18] [19-26]
110322 New Msg from Farineli
Title: 럭키세븐 여러분…
앞으로도 계속 사랑합시다♡
Translation: To all lucky se7en…
Thank you…
I love you..
Let’s continue to love each other in the days to come♡
Taken from ceciliase7en
앞으로도 계속 사랑합시다♡
Translation: To all lucky se7en…
Thank you…
I love you..
Let’s continue to love each other in the days to come♡
Taken from ceciliase7en
Monday, March 21, 2011
[Twitter] 110318 + 110319 + 110320 + 110321
OFFICIALSE7EN: @hyejeong09 혜정양!! 생일 무지하게 축하한다구욧!!!^^ 좋은하루보내욧~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @geunhaa 근하양~ 생일 축하해요!!^^ 좋은밤 보내길~~ [Geun ha~ happy birthday!!^^Hope you have a good night~~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @ozon747 지워니 생일축하해!!! 멋진밤 보내길 바래^^ [Ji wonee happy birthday!! I hope you have cool night^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: CHINA~ thank u so much!!! Ill c ya next time~ Love yall!! xie xie~
missA_jia: @officialse7en 어~~~오빠~중국 재미있었어요!?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [Oh~ oppa~Was China fun!? kekeke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @missA_jia Oh yeah!! Its been 6years… I had a lot of fun!! Fans r royal !! people r nice n kind… Wo shiwhan junggur!!! ^^
[Last line there he's trying to say 'I like China']
haiyuxtigga: @officialse7en 일본사람입니다.저 오늘 생일이에요!제발 죽하해주세요~♪그리고・・・『일본 화이팅!!』말해부탁합니다. [I’m japanese. It’s my birthday today!Please congratulate me~And.. please say “Fighting Japan!!”]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @hayuxtigga 생일축하해요~ 앞으로 좋은일만 가드하길 바랍니다… 일본에 계신 모든분들도 화이팅!!! [Happy birthday~I hope that from now on there will only be good things.. Fighting to everyone in Japan!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @yangyunyeong 윤영양~ 생일 축하해요^^ 좋은밤 되세요~~ [Yoon Young~happy birthday^^ Have a good night~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Mandizzleftw happy bday!!!^^ hva great day!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @natural786 은정양~ 생일축하해요!!! 26!! 꽃다운 나이 아주 좋은하루 보내길 바래요~ [Miss Eun Jung~happy birthday!! 26!! At this flower like age, I hope you have a good day~]
natural786: @officialse7en 은정양 어색,민망하네용 ㅋ아직 꽃다운 나이 맞는거줘?>_< 꽃다운 나이를 거쳐 꽃다운 나이가 아닐때 까지 쭈욱~~함께 하고 싶습니다 가수님!!! 쭈욱 함께 해주실꺼줘?? ['Miss Eun Jung’ – is awkward and embarrassing keke~I’m still at a flower age right? >_< Singer – nim, I want to spend this flower age together with you right til i’m past this age and not flower – like anymore!! You’re going to spend it with [me] arent you??]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @natural786 어… 그건… 그때 봐서요… ^^ [Uhuh…that…we’ll see about that then..^^]
BoA_1105: @love_tangle 언니~~~ 여기 비땜에 아주 무셔워요ㅠㅠ 잘 도착하셨다니 다행이예염~~^^ 다음엔 언니집으로 날라가겠음돠;) [Unni~~It’s really scary here because of the rain TT It’s good that you arrived safely~^^ Next time I’m going to fly to unni’s house :)]
love_tangle: @BoA_1105 꼭꼭!!! 맛있는 와인마시자!! [Yes definitely!! Let’s drink good wine together!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @love_tangle @boa_1105 I love wine too..!!! 나도나두나듀!!! [I love wine too..!! Me too me too me too!!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @arum_b2uty happy bday arum!!! Hva good one!!! Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Heehihi @bmr0708 @wowokhy 너희 셋다!!! 아니.. 우리팀 모두다 내 허락없이 아프지마… 명령이닷!!! [You three!! No.. everyone on our team are not allowed to get sick without my permission…this is an order!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @MichelleJumpy happy bday michelle~ hva good day!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @dajung_91 다정양~ 생일축하해요^^ 좋은밤 보내요!! 럭세화이팅!!! [Da Jung~ Happy birthday^^ Have a good night!! Lucky se7en fighting!!]
Translated by cecilise7en
OFFICIALSE7EN: @hyejeong09 혜정양!! 생일 무지하게 축하한다구욧!!!^^ 좋은하루보내욧~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @geunhaa 근하양~ 생일 축하해요!!^^ 좋은밤 보내길~~ [Geun ha~ happy birthday!!^^Hope you have a good night~~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @ozon747 지워니 생일축하해!!! 멋진밤 보내길 바래^^ [Ji wonee happy birthday!! I hope you have cool night^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: CHINA~ thank u so much!!! Ill c ya next time~ Love yall!! xie xie~
missA_jia: @officialse7en 어~~~오빠~중국 재미있었어요!?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [Oh~ oppa~Was China fun!? kekeke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @missA_jia Oh yeah!! Its been 6years… I had a lot of fun!! Fans r royal !! people r nice n kind… Wo shiwhan junggur!!! ^^
[Last line there he's trying to say 'I like China']
haiyuxtigga: @officialse7en 일본사람입니다.저 오늘 생일이에요!제발 죽하해주세요~♪그리고・・・『일본 화이팅!!』말해부탁합니다. [I’m japanese. It’s my birthday today!Please congratulate me~And.. please say “Fighting Japan!!”]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @hayuxtigga 생일축하해요~ 앞으로 좋은일만 가드하길 바랍니다… 일본에 계신 모든분들도 화이팅!!! [Happy birthday~I hope that from now on there will only be good things.. Fighting to everyone in Japan!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @yangyunyeong 윤영양~ 생일 축하해요^^ 좋은밤 되세요~~ [Yoon Young~happy birthday^^ Have a good night~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Mandizzleftw happy bday!!!^^ hva great day!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @natural786 은정양~ 생일축하해요!!! 26!! 꽃다운 나이 아주 좋은하루 보내길 바래요~ [Miss Eun Jung~happy birthday!! 26!! At this flower like age, I hope you have a good day~]
natural786: @officialse7en 은정양 어색,민망하네용 ㅋ아직 꽃다운 나이 맞는거줘?>_< 꽃다운 나이를 거쳐 꽃다운 나이가 아닐때 까지 쭈욱~~함께 하고 싶습니다 가수님!!! 쭈욱 함께 해주실꺼줘?? ['Miss Eun Jung’ – is awkward and embarrassing keke~I’m still at a flower age right? >_< Singer – nim, I want to spend this flower age together with you right til i’m past this age and not flower – like anymore!! You’re going to spend it with [me] arent you??]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @natural786 어… 그건… 그때 봐서요… ^^ [Uhuh…that…we’ll see about that then..^^]
BoA_1105: @love_tangle 언니~~~ 여기 비땜에 아주 무셔워요ㅠㅠ 잘 도착하셨다니 다행이예염~~^^ 다음엔 언니집으로 날라가겠음돠;) [Unni~~It’s really scary here because of the rain TT It’s good that you arrived safely~^^ Next time I’m going to fly to unni’s house :)]
love_tangle: @BoA_1105 꼭꼭!!! 맛있는 와인마시자!! [Yes definitely!! Let’s drink good wine together!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @love_tangle @boa_1105 I love wine too..!!! 나도나두나듀!!! [I love wine too..!! Me too me too me too!!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @arum_b2uty happy bday arum!!! Hva good one!!! Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Heehihi @bmr0708 @wowokhy 너희 셋다!!! 아니.. 우리팀 모두다 내 허락없이 아프지마… 명령이닷!!! [You three!! No.. everyone on our team are not allowed to get sick without my permission…this is an order!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @MichelleJumpy happy bday michelle~ hva good day!!! Holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @dajung_91 다정양~ 생일축하해요^^ 좋은밤 보내요!! 럭세화이팅!!! [Da Jung~ Happy birthday^^ Have a good night!! Lucky se7en fighting!!]
Translated by cecilise7en
Saturday, March 19, 2011
[News]110318 news article
Se7en望来中国发展 要和女友做模范情侣 2011年03月19日04:13 新浪娱乐新浪娱乐 官方微博
新浪娱乐讯 3月18日下午,韩国艺人Se7en(崔东旭)接受新浪娱乐独家对话。暌违中国已久的他连称这次重游北京很开心,以后想多来中国发展,并向歌迷介绍了他重回韩国乐坛的最新专辑《Digital Bounce》。而虽然不愿多谈已交往9年的女友朴寒星,但Se7en仍表示希望两人能做演艺圈的“模范情侣”。
Se7en望来中国发展 赞范冰冰“很漂亮”
聊天开始前,翻译说,Se7en很可爱:“他会说很多奇怪的中文,像小孩子一样。”于是我们要求他现场秀一段中文,Se7en一脸苦恼地开口 了:“你们好,我是Se7en,很高兴来到中国,你们开不开心?”突然,他话锋一转,转而问道:“我好饿,你吃了吗?”——虽然27岁的他已经是YG Family的老大哥,但Se7en天马行空的搞怪性格不改。
乐见新人辈出不担心竞争 和Rain是好兄弟
2007年,当时如日中天的Se7en转去美国发展,但在之后的三年,他并没有成功打入美国市场。说起这段经历,Se7en自己也对媒体坦言: “在美国市场没有获得成功,是不争的事实。”不过,虽然在美国留下很多遗憾,他也自觉“在那里学习音乐、舞蹈以及人生哲学,对我来说是另一种机会”。 2010年,Se7en重回韩国发行新专辑《Digital Bounce》,宣告全面回归。对于这张专辑,Se7en称比起此前作品的风格有了很大改变:“这是一张电子嘻哈风格浓厚的专辑,让人很开心。”同时,他 也透露新专辑正在制作中,希望赶快与歌迷见面。
在新人辈出的韩国娱乐圈,Se7en早就算是前辈,但他笑称不会担心新人和自己竞争,更表示看到出色的后辈会让他感到高兴。而对于曾公开对自己表示感激的师弟Big Bang,Se7en连声称赞他们“很有气场,即使我是前辈,都会很佩服他们”。而此前Se7en还曾在微博上上传自己和同样是唱跳歌手的Rain的合照,他透露两人从高中就已认识,是很好的兄弟。
和女友朴寒星像亲人 要做演艺圈“模范情侣”
Se7en去美国前后最大的不同,也许还在于他公开了自己的恋情——对于韩国偶像歌手来说,这是很少见的。目前,Se7en和女演员朴寒星的爱 情长跑已经进入第九个年头。此前,他们曾在接受韩国媒体访问时畅谈两人之间的感情,称和对方“就像亲人一样”,并曝光了一组亲密写真照。但这 次,Se7en并不愿意多谈论这段恋情,只是微笑默认打算做娱乐圈的“模范情侣”。而对于“艺人之间的恋爱不能长久”这个说法,Se7en也有自己的见 解:“不只是在演艺圈,在现实生活中,男女之间的分分合合也是很正常的事情。” 周文韬/文
Translation Highlights:
* The translator said that Se7en was very cute, and that he knew lots of weird phrases and words in Chinese which he would use, like a kid. So he was asked to show a bit of his Chinese skills and he looked a little troubled before saying in Chinese “Hello I am Se7en. I am very happy to be in China, are you happy?” Then he suddenly changed his tone and said ” I am very hungry, have you eaten?”
*He is in China this time to attend an award ceremony as a special guest. During his chat with his manager/assistant, they talked much about Chinese actress Fan Bing Bing. Se7en said that he has watched her movies and thinks that she is very beautiful.
*He hopes he can expand into the Chinese market and that he is very happy to be in Beijing
*He also talked about US debut, Park Han Byul, Rain, Big Bang
*He was reluctant to talk too much about Park Han Byul but when asked what he thought of the common belief that “Celebrity couples dont last long”, he said “Not only in the entertainment industry but also in real life, the separation of couples is not an uncommon thing.”
Taken from ceciliase7en
Videos of this interview can be found here. 2011年03月19日04:13 新浪娱乐新浪娱乐 官方微博
新浪娱乐讯 3月18日下午,韩国艺人Se7en(崔东旭)接受新浪娱乐独家对话。暌违中国已久的他连称这次重游北京很开心,以后想多来中国发展,并向歌迷介绍了他重回韩国乐坛的最新专辑《Digital Bounce》。而虽然不愿多谈已交往9年的女友朴寒星,但Se7en仍表示希望两人能做演艺圈的“模范情侣”。
Se7en望来中国发展 赞范冰冰“很漂亮”
聊天开始前,翻译说,Se7en很可爱:“他会说很多奇怪的中文,像小孩子一样。”于是我们要求他现场秀一段中文,Se7en一脸苦恼地开口 了:“你们好,我是Se7en,很高兴来到中国,你们开不开心?”突然,他话锋一转,转而问道:“我好饿,你吃了吗?”——虽然27岁的他已经是YG Family的老大哥,但Se7en天马行空的搞怪性格不改。
乐见新人辈出不担心竞争 和Rain是好兄弟
2007年,当时如日中天的Se7en转去美国发展,但在之后的三年,他并没有成功打入美国市场。说起这段经历,Se7en自己也对媒体坦言: “在美国市场没有获得成功,是不争的事实。”不过,虽然在美国留下很多遗憾,他也自觉“在那里学习音乐、舞蹈以及人生哲学,对我来说是另一种机会”。 2010年,Se7en重回韩国发行新专辑《Digital Bounce》,宣告全面回归。对于这张专辑,Se7en称比起此前作品的风格有了很大改变:“这是一张电子嘻哈风格浓厚的专辑,让人很开心。”同时,他 也透露新专辑正在制作中,希望赶快与歌迷见面。
在新人辈出的韩国娱乐圈,Se7en早就算是前辈,但他笑称不会担心新人和自己竞争,更表示看到出色的后辈会让他感到高兴。而对于曾公开对自己表示感激的师弟Big Bang,Se7en连声称赞他们“很有气场,即使我是前辈,都会很佩服他们”。而此前Se7en还曾在微博上上传自己和同样是唱跳歌手的Rain的合照,他透露两人从高中就已认识,是很好的兄弟。
和女友朴寒星像亲人 要做演艺圈“模范情侣”
Se7en去美国前后最大的不同,也许还在于他公开了自己的恋情——对于韩国偶像歌手来说,这是很少见的。目前,Se7en和女演员朴寒星的爱 情长跑已经进入第九个年头。此前,他们曾在接受韩国媒体访问时畅谈两人之间的感情,称和对方“就像亲人一样”,并曝光了一组亲密写真照。但这 次,Se7en并不愿意多谈论这段恋情,只是微笑默认打算做娱乐圈的“模范情侣”。而对于“艺人之间的恋爱不能长久”这个说法,Se7en也有自己的见 解:“不只是在演艺圈,在现实生活中,男女之间的分分合合也是很正常的事情。” 周文韬/文
Translation Highlights:
* The translator said that Se7en was very cute, and that he knew lots of weird phrases and words in Chinese which he would use, like a kid. So he was asked to show a bit of his Chinese skills and he looked a little troubled before saying in Chinese “Hello I am Se7en. I am very happy to be in China, are you happy?” Then he suddenly changed his tone and said ” I am very hungry, have you eaten?”
*He is in China this time to attend an award ceremony as a special guest. During his chat with his manager/assistant, they talked much about Chinese actress Fan Bing Bing. Se7en said that he has watched her movies and thinks that she is very beautiful.
*He hopes he can expand into the Chinese market and that he is very happy to be in Beijing
*He also talked about US debut, Park Han Byul, Rain, Big Bang
*He was reluctant to talk too much about Park Han Byul but when asked what he thought of the common belief that “Celebrity couples dont last long”, he said “Not only in the entertainment industry but also in real life, the separation of couples is not an uncommon thing.”
Taken from ceciliase7en
Videos of this interview can be found here.
Friday, March 18, 2011
[PICS] 110318 Se7en at Yin Yue Feng Yun Bang (Music program)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
[Twitter] 110317
OFFICIALSE7EN: @AReum_Kim 아름이 생일 완전축하해요!!!^^ 좋은꿈꾸고 오늘하루 무지행복하길 바래요!!! [Areumie super happy birthday!!^^ Have a sweet dream and I hope that you have a very happy day today!!]
enki1991: @officialse7en 지진땜에 언제죽을지 모르는 절 위해 생일 딱 한달남앗는데 미리 축하해주시면 안~~되~~~나요??? [Because of the earthquake, I dont know when I’m going to die. There’s exactly one month left til my birthday, could you…perhaps.. wish me a happy birthdya in advance??]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @enki1991 그런소리말아요... 죽을리없어요!!! 한달후에 메시지 다시 보내주세요!!^^ [Dont say things like that.. it wont happen!! Please send me a msg again in one month!!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: Going 2 CHINA~!!! RT“@Jsmining: 세봉이와 베이징덕 먹으로 북경으로 고고^^” [Going 2 CHINA~!! RT @Jsmining: To Beijing with Sebong to eat Peking duck go go^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @JiYong317 생일입니까?? 지드래곤양!! 생일 축하축하 해요~~ 아주 행복한 하루보내랏!!!^^ [Is it your birthday?? miss G dragon!! Happy happy birthday~~ Have a very happy day!!^^]
Translated by ceciliase7en
OFFICIALSE7EN: @AReum_Kim 아름이 생일 완전축하해요!!!^^ 좋은꿈꾸고 오늘하루 무지행복하길 바래요!!! [Areumie super happy birthday!!^^ Have a sweet dream and I hope that you have a very happy day today!!]
enki1991: @officialse7en 지진땜에 언제죽을지 모르는 절 위해 생일 딱 한달남앗는데 미리 축하해주시면 안~~되~~~나요??? [Because of the earthquake, I dont know when I’m going to die. There’s exactly one month left til my birthday, could you…perhaps.. wish me a happy birthdya in advance??]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @enki1991 그런소리말아요... 죽을리없어요!!! 한달후에 메시지 다시 보내주세요!!^^ [Dont say things like that.. it wont happen!! Please send me a msg again in one month!!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: Going 2 CHINA~!!! RT“@Jsmining: 세봉이와 베이징덕 먹으로 북경으로 고고^^” [Going 2 CHINA~!! RT @Jsmining: To Beijing with Sebong to eat Peking duck go go^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @JiYong317 생일입니까?? 지드래곤양!! 생일 축하축하 해요~~ 아주 행복한 하루보내랏!!!^^ [Is it your birthday?? miss G dragon!! Happy happy birthday~~ Have a very happy day!!^^]
Translated by ceciliase7en
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
[NEWS] Yoo In Na is envious of Park Han Byul & Se7en
On March 15th, actress Yoo In Na guested on SBS’s “Strong Heart” and revealed her envious feelings about the Park Han Byul and Se7en couple.
The MCs had asked the actress if the couple were affectionate towards one another publicly. It prompted her to reveal, “On the last day of recording for ‘My Black Mini Dress,’ Se7en came to the film set. He was wearing impressive clothes and even came with chicken and a bunch of night time snacks for the staff members. When Se7en and Park Han Byul were sitting together, they weren’t even talking, but you could literally see their hearts floating above them.”
Much to the amusement of the studio, MC Kang Ho Dong added, “I think Se7en is probably the busiest man in the world. He has to do events, has to visit his girlfriend’s film sets…”
Source: Newsen via Nate
Taken from Allkpop
[PICS] [VID] 110315 At the VIP screening of ‘My black mini dress’
I'm still having problem posting large numbers of photos onto this blog. For more photos of him at this event please visit cecilia's blog here. ^^
Meanwhile, here's the video of TV Daily news at the event...
Another news coverage vid~
[INFO] Se7en will be coming to Malaysia for Asian Music Festival 2011!!
Se7en will be coming to Malaysia to become one of the performers in Asian Music Festival™ 2011. Here's the detail.
Date: 30 APRIL 2011
Time: 2:00pm to 12:00am
Venue: MINES Convention Centre
Date: 30 APRIL 2011
Time: 2:00pm to 12:00am
Venue: MINES Convention Centre
The Asian Music Festival™ is strictly for music fans who are above 18 years of age.
For ticketing and more info please visit or
On another note, Halo Music Malaysia will be releasing Se7en's latest album officially in Malaysia. Here's Se7en's greeting to his Malaysian fans~
[NEWS] Se7en featured in Teens Magazine March 2011 issue
With a unique name like “SE7EN”,it’s hard not to be noticed in an industry where most soloists have Korean names.So when Choi Dong Wook debuted in 2003,he caught everyone’s attention with his sleek dance moves and R&B numbers.After 4 years of training with YGE,the singer was only 19 when he made his debut.Just like most K-pop singers with interesting names,his unique moniker derived from a coincidence.Prior to his debut,his company thought of possible stage names for him,ranging from letters to numbers.While eating at a restaurant with the company employees,they noticed there were 7 pieces of radish on his plate.It was then decided that he would be known as “SE7EN”.
[The Aspiring Actor]
The singer made his acting debut in the hit Korean drama,Goong S,in 2007.A spin-off of the hugely popular drama,Goong,Se7en played a secret son of the prince;his mother had to leave the palace to conceal her pregnancy from the royal family.Brought up in a humble surroundings,his mannerism was least prince-like.His 1st role in a drama was met with mixed reactions-while some people praised his acting,others found fault with the way he delivered his lines.In reaction to the criticism about his acting,the singer appealed to viewers:”Give it a little more space in your heart,it will probably be good.”
[The Global Venturer]
Following the footsteps of singer BoA.the star debuted in Japan in 2005.He learnt Japanese and advanced quickly into the market.Se7en also made appearance on Japanese variety shows,showing off his fluent Japanese.At that time,bringing a translator onto variety shows in the land of the rising Sun was uncommon,thus celebrities who wised to break into the market,such as BoA and DBSK,had to be prudent in picking up the language.At the peak of his popularity in Korea and Japan,Se7en left his comfort zone to advance into the American market.Apart from trademarking his stage name,his album was produced by Richie Harrison,who has worked with bigwigs such as Christina Aguilera and Beyonce,and even had a song featuring popular singer/rapper Lil’Kim.However,despite 2 years of preparation,his debut met with dismal success.His debut song,”This is my Year” was leaked on Myspace and Youtube a few weeks before its release,causing some changes and delay in his promotions.His album sales did not take off,and he retreated to South Korea.In a previous interview,YGE CEO,Yang Hyunsuk,revealed that the singer struggled in America as they tried to climb a wall that was too high without knowing it.He said if given another chance,he would want to try again,even if chances of failure is high.
[The Steadfast Lover]
When he was in America,rumours if his relationship with actress Park Hanbyul were circulated online after she was spotted visiting him in LA.A hacker also hacked into a “secret room” the singer and his girlfriend had created on her minihompy and released intimate pictures of them.When he made an appearance on Strong Heart,he revealed that Hanbyul had cried every night when she called him because of the scandal and the fans’ reaction.He decided to post a message on his minihompy to address the issue,and admitted to datinf her.The singer revealed that the 2 had been in a relationship for the last 7 years(at the time when he posted the message).The couple had met when they were in 3rd year of junior high and became each other’s pillar of strength when they were trainee.While some fans accepted the news graciously and thanked him for telling the truth,others felt betrayed.On Golden Fishery,Se7en revealed that his fanclub membership dropped from 260,000 people to 160,000 after he made the relationship public.
[The Rising Entrepreuneur]
In Sept last year,the all-rounder added another title to his resume and opened a chicked restaurant.Named “Yeolbong Chicken”,it saw support from the singer’s girlfriend,BigBang,2ne1,and actress Yoo In Na,among others.The rising entrepreuneur also utilized Twitter to promote his restaurant.He announced on twitter that he will be opening the second branch in mid-feb.
[The Asian Superstar]
Se7en has joined the rank of BoA and Rain in claiming the throneas Asia’s superstar.In 2006,the singer bagged the award for “Most Popular Korean Singer” at the MTV Asia Awards.In the same year,he received the “Best Buzz Asia from Korea”award at the MTV Video Music Awards Japan.His popularity in the Asian countries has remained steady over the years,especially in Japan.He has held solo tours there and recently has a fanmeeting for 100 Japanese fans in Korea.After 4years of hiatus from the K-pop industry,he dropped his 1st mini album,Digital Bounce,in July last year.His comeback stage was widely anticipated,with the title song featuring T.O.P of Big Bang.He went on to secure the top spot on Mnet’s M!Countdown a week after his mini album was released.Now on a tour around Asia to promote his new album,Digital Bounce,the star will drop by Singapore for a showcase and fanmeet.
(Credits: Teens Magazine for the article,Admin Rei@YGfamilySG)
Taken from YGfamilySG@tumblr
This is so wiki~
[Twitter] 110314 + 110315 + 110316
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sueeeun 화이트 생일 폭풍축하합니다!!!^^ 좋은밤보내요~~ [Super Happy white day and birthday!!^^Have a good night~~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @HeeSSal 희선양~ 생일 축하해요!!^^ 좋은밤 보내욧!!! [Hee Sun~ Happy birthday!!^^ Have a good night!!]
realslow1982: 너무 떨립니다. 컴백을 미루고 싶을 정도로. 잘 되어야만 하는.. 정말 중요한 앨범인데.. 언제나 떨기만 하는 내가 너무 싫고 슬픕니다. [I’m very nervous. To the extent that I want to push back my comeback. This is really an important album that must go well… It is sad and I really hate this me that is always nervous all the time]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @realslow1982 에이... 창피하게 또 왜이러시나...?? U kno who u R !!! 기대하겠어!!!^^ Go~ WHEESUNG!!! [Hey… why are you being like this so embarrassingly?? U know who u R!!! Looking forward to it!!^^ Go~ WHEESUNG!!!]
realslow1982: @officialse7en 와 세븐이다 [Wah it’s Se7en]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @realslow1982 yesir!!!^^ 화이팅!! [yesir!!!^^ Fighting!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @se7en4f 예리양 생일축하!!^^ 공부두 열심히 하고 화이팅!! 좋은밤~ [Ye ri happy birthday!!^^ Study hard and fighting! Good night~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @yggood 은희양~ 생일축하해요!!! 좋은꿈꾸고 내일하루 힘차게 보내길^^ [Eun hee~ Happy birthday!! Have a good dream and hope you spend tomorrow with lots of energy^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @peeohhage happy bday!! Hope u Hva great day~ holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @nonliciouss happy bday e non!!! Hva great day!!! Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @junsukawai hey~ happy bday!! Hva great day!!! Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @eunicechung1996 hey!!! Happy bday Eunice!!! Hva great day!!! Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @tanxuanlin happy bday!! 진훤린!!!^^ hva great day!!! [T/N: the hangul is just the fan's name]
Translated by cecilase7en [1-3] [4-10]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sueeeun 화이트 생일 폭풍축하합니다!!!^^ 좋은밤보내요~~ [Super Happy white day and birthday!!^^Have a good night~~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @HeeSSal 희선양~ 생일 축하해요!!^^ 좋은밤 보내욧!!! [Hee Sun~ Happy birthday!!^^ Have a good night!!]
realslow1982: 너무 떨립니다. 컴백을 미루고 싶을 정도로. 잘 되어야만 하는.. 정말 중요한 앨범인데.. 언제나 떨기만 하는 내가 너무 싫고 슬픕니다. [I’m very nervous. To the extent that I want to push back my comeback. This is really an important album that must go well… It is sad and I really hate this me that is always nervous all the time]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @realslow1982 에이... 창피하게 또 왜이러시나...?? U kno who u R !!! 기대하겠어!!!^^ Go~ WHEESUNG!!! [Hey… why are you being like this so embarrassingly?? U know who u R!!! Looking forward to it!!^^ Go~ WHEESUNG!!!]
realslow1982: @officialse7en 와 세븐이다 [Wah it’s Se7en]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @realslow1982 yesir!!!^^ 화이팅!! [yesir!!!^^ Fighting!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @se7en4f 예리양 생일축하!!^^ 공부두 열심히 하고 화이팅!! 좋은밤~ [Ye ri happy birthday!!^^ Study hard and fighting! Good night~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @yggood 은희양~ 생일축하해요!!! 좋은꿈꾸고 내일하루 힘차게 보내길^^ [Eun hee~ Happy birthday!! Have a good dream and hope you spend tomorrow with lots of energy^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @peeohhage happy bday!! Hope u Hva great day~ holla~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @nonliciouss happy bday e non!!! Hva great day!!! Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @junsukawai hey~ happy bday!! Hva great day!!! Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @eunicechung1996 hey!!! Happy bday Eunice!!! Hva great day!!! Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @tanxuanlin happy bday!! 진훤린!!!^^ hva great day!!! [T/N: the hangul is just the fan's name]
Translated by cecilase7en [1-3] [4-10]
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
[NEWS] Se7en confirmed for Singapore E-Awards 2011
After raising the decibels in 2010, Singapore Entertainment Awards makes a comeback for another awesome blast! Having SHINee graced the award ceremony last year, Singapore E-Awards has added a new category “Most Popular Korean Artiste” to this year’s voting.
We are pleased to inform you that Se7en would be visiting Singapore this coming April 2nd! What are you waiting for, get your tickets and prepare to groove in with the award show.
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Date: 2 April 2011, Saturday
Time: 7:00PM (Admission from 6pm onwards)
Duration: Approx 4 hrs
Purchase your ticket to Singapore Entertainment Awards 2011 at SISTIC Website or via SISTIC Hotline & Authorised Agents.
Ticket Prices:
Standard – $136.95, $94.15, $72.75, $40.65 (Excluding $3 SISTIC booking fee)
* 20% discount for OCBC Titanium / Platinum / Arts Platinum & Elite World Cardholders. Applicable from 7 Feb 2011 onwards for Cat 2-6 only. Not inclusive of co-brand cards.
Seat Plan:
Credit: sgeawards.omy
Taken from scanationsg.wp
Monday, March 14, 2011
[Twitter] 110312 + 110313
hazeljung: @officialse7en 나의사랑나의우상동욱오빠! 오늘저생일인데츄카해주실거죵?ㅠㅠ흑흑 일본지진때문에 뭔가 생일인데도 기쁘지않아요 ㅠㅠ 오빠의한마디~ 부탁해용~~~~~>_< 한국에서보내는저의2번째생일! plz make it special mwah♥ [My love and my idol Dongwook oppa!! It’s my birthday today, you’re going to congratulate me right? TT Heuk heuk Because of the Japanese earthquake, even though it’s my birthday, I dont feel happy TT Waiting for Oppa’s words~~~>_< This is the 2nd birthday i’m spending in korea!plz make it special mwah♥]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @hazeljung 그러게요..기쁘게만 보낼수없는 생일이지만 그래도 기도하며 조금이라도 더 좋은하루되길 바래요.. 생일축하합니다~ [That’s right… even though it’s not a birthday where you can only be happy, I hope that you pray and that your day will become a bit better.. happy birthday~]
so____yeon: @officialse7en 오빠 저오늘생일이에요^^!!!!!!!축하한마디해주세용ㅠㅠ..ㅋㄱㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀…귀차느면…말구여….ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㄱㅋㄱ [Oppa It’s my birthday today^^!!! Please wish me a happy birthday TT kekekeke …. if… you cant be bothered.. then that’s ok….kekekkeke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @so____yeon 귀찮네요… [Too much trouble….]
so____yeon: @officialse7en 실…실몽입니당ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀찬타니ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱ정엽님으로 갈아탈꺼에요…..ㅋㄲㅋ농담입니닷♥ [I’m…disappointed kekekek~ too much trouble? kekekek I’m going to switch to Jung Yeob now… keke Just kidding]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @so____yeon 나두 농담!!^^ 소연양 생일 무지 축하합니다!!! 좋은밤보내길~ [I’m just kidding as well!!^^ So yeon have a very happy birthday!! Hope you have a good night~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 화창한 일요일 오후… 오늘부터는 아주 좋은소식들만 가득하길 기도합니다… AMEN!!! [A beautiful sunday afternoon.. I pray that there will only be good news from today..AMEN!!!]
Translated by ceciliase7en
hazeljung: @officialse7en 나의사랑나의우상동욱오빠! 오늘저생일인데츄카해주실거죵?ㅠㅠ흑흑 일본지진때문에 뭔가 생일인데도 기쁘지않아요 ㅠㅠ 오빠의한마디~ 부탁해용~~~~~>_< 한국에서보내는저의2번째생일! plz make it special mwah♥ [My love and my idol Dongwook oppa!! It’s my birthday today, you’re going to congratulate me right? TT Heuk heuk Because of the Japanese earthquake, even though it’s my birthday, I dont feel happy TT Waiting for Oppa’s words~~~>_< This is the 2nd birthday i’m spending in korea!plz make it special mwah♥]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @hazeljung 그러게요..기쁘게만 보낼수없는 생일이지만 그래도 기도하며 조금이라도 더 좋은하루되길 바래요.. 생일축하합니다~ [That’s right… even though it’s not a birthday where you can only be happy, I hope that you pray and that your day will become a bit better.. happy birthday~]
so____yeon: @officialse7en 오빠 저오늘생일이에요^^!!!!!!!축하한마디해주세용ㅠㅠ..ㅋㄱㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀…귀차느면…말구여….ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㄱㅋㄱ [Oppa It’s my birthday today^^!!! Please wish me a happy birthday TT kekekeke …. if… you cant be bothered.. then that’s ok….kekekkeke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @so____yeon 귀찮네요… [Too much trouble….]
so____yeon: @officialse7en 실…실몽입니당ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀찬타니ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱ정엽님으로 갈아탈꺼에요…..ㅋㄲㅋ농담입니닷♥ [I’m…disappointed kekekek~ too much trouble? kekekek I’m going to switch to Jung Yeob now… keke Just kidding]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @so____yeon 나두 농담!!^^ 소연양 생일 무지 축하합니다!!! 좋은밤보내길~ [I’m just kidding as well!!^^ So yeon have a very happy birthday!! Hope you have a good night~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 화창한 일요일 오후… 오늘부터는 아주 좋은소식들만 가득하길 기도합니다… AMEN!!! [A beautiful sunday afternoon.. I pray that there will only be good news from today..AMEN!!!]
Translated by ceciliase7en
Friday, March 11, 2011
[VID] 110309 YG Family at Nikon "A Shot A Day" Campaign Presscon
[Twitter] 110310 +110311
OFFICIALSE7EN: @europejjang 미영씨~ 생일축하해요^^ 좋은밤 보내시길!!! 아까 반가웠음요~!! [Miyoung ssi~ happy birthday^^ Hope you have a good night!!!It was nice to meet you just now!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @my_Park_ 민영이 생일축하^^ 좋은하루 보내용!!! 굿나잇~ [Min youngee happy bday^^ Have a good day!!! Good night~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @mingkki21 2NE1~!!! 괜찮니?? 무사해?? 조심해… [2ne1~!!!Are you ok?? Nothing’s wrong? Be careful…]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 일본에 계신분들… 걱정입니다.. 많은피해가 없길 기도합니다… 日本にいる みなさん きよつけて ください…!!! [People in Japan.. it’s worrying…I pray that there will not be much harm done.. (In Japanese) Everyone in Japan please be careful...!!!]
Translated by ceciliase7en + noizumi for the japanese tweet.
OFFICIALSE7EN: @europejjang 미영씨~ 생일축하해요^^ 좋은밤 보내시길!!! 아까 반가웠음요~!! [Miyoung ssi~ happy birthday^^ Hope you have a good night!!!It was nice to meet you just now!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @my_Park_ 민영이 생일축하^^ 좋은하루 보내용!!! 굿나잇~ [Min youngee happy bday^^ Have a good day!!! Good night~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @mingkki21 2NE1~!!! 괜찮니?? 무사해?? 조심해… [2ne1~!!!Are you ok?? Nothing’s wrong? Be careful…]
OFFICIALSE7EN: 일본에 계신분들… 걱정입니다.. 많은피해가 없길 기도합니다… 日本にいる みなさん きよつけて ください…!!! [People in Japan.. it’s worrying…I pray that there will not be much harm done.. (In Japanese) Everyone in Japan please be careful...!!!]
Translated by ceciliase7en + noizumi for the japanese tweet.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
[VID] 110310 YG Family at Nikon 'A Day A Picture' campaign photoshoot interview
From SBS Night Entertainment TV
Note:I demand an english sub of this! LOL! FOUND IT!! :D
YG @ Nikon (en) by shiareagy6thalbum
YG @ Nikon (en) by shiareagy6thalbum
[Twitter] 110307 + 110308 +110309
OFFICIALSE7EN: @DONG7LEE 혜정양~ 생일축하해요^^ 좋은밤 보내길~ [Hye Jung~Happy birthday^^ Have a good night~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Ssoul_7 보람양!! 생일 추카추카!!! 20대는 28살 부터임!!!^^ 좋은하루~ [Boram!! Happy happy bday!!! Your twenties start from 28 years old!!^^ Good day~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @hikarin7 happy happy bday!!!! Hva great day!!! Wow~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @bom_z 와우!!! 새봄이~ 생일 축하해요^^ 아주 좋은하루되길 바래용!!! Holla~ [Wow!!! Sae bomee~Happy birthday^^ I hope you have a really good day!!! Holla~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @gu_oh 생일축하합니다~ 좋은하루보내세요^^ [Happy birthday~ Have a good day^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @2king0 왕영씨~ 생일 축하드려요^^ 좋은하루 보내세요!!! Wow~~ [Wang Young ssi~ Happy birthday^^ Have a good day!!! Wow~~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: W ma man~ RAIN!!! 언제나 멋진 내형!!! Love ya!!! RT“@YEOLBONG:두둥!!! Rain & Se7en !!! 너무나 멋진 두분이 투샷을… 감사합니다~ 꼬끼오^^” [With my man~ Rain!! My hyung who is also cool!! Love ya!! RT @YEOLBONG: Tada!! Rain & Se7en!! A shot with 2 very cool people~ Thank you~ *chicken noise*^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @pinkcoffe32 네~ 안녕^^ [Yes~ Hello^^]
(T/N: This is the twitter account of Kim Sang Mi – I’m not 100% who she is but I did a search and she’s from Banana girl)
parkboram0813: @officialse7en 안녕하세요ㅎ.ㅎ 저번파티때뵈었던 보람이입니다! 감기조심하시구 담에또 뵈요! 화이팅~^*^ 팔롱하구가께용!!!!^*^~~~홧팅!!! [Hello hehe~I am the Boram who you meet at the party last time!! Be careful not to catch a cold and see you next time again! Fighting~^*^ I’m following you now!!^*^ Fighting!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @parkboram0813 반가웠어요~ 노래 잘하는 보람양!! 화이팅^^ [It was nice to meet you, Boram who sings well!!Fighting^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @JeonCheong91 전청아 생일 축하했어요^^ [Jeon Cheong ah~ happy belated birthday^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @HJssaem 혜정쌤 하루미리 생축!!!^^ 즐거운 생일보내세요!!! [Miss Hye Jung happy birthdya in advance!!!^ Have an enjoyable birthday!!!]
Translated by ceciliase7en
OFFICIALSE7EN: @DONG7LEE 혜정양~ 생일축하해요^^ 좋은밤 보내길~ [Hye Jung~Happy birthday^^ Have a good night~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Ssoul_7 보람양!! 생일 추카추카!!! 20대는 28살 부터임!!!^^ 좋은하루~ [Boram!! Happy happy bday!!! Your twenties start from 28 years old!!^^ Good day~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @hikarin7 happy happy bday!!!! Hva great day!!! Wow~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @bom_z 와우!!! 새봄이~ 생일 축하해요^^ 아주 좋은하루되길 바래용!!! Holla~ [Wow!!! Sae bomee~Happy birthday^^ I hope you have a really good day!!! Holla~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @gu_oh 생일축하합니다~ 좋은하루보내세요^^ [Happy birthday~ Have a good day^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @2king0 왕영씨~ 생일 축하드려요^^ 좋은하루 보내세요!!! Wow~~ [Wang Young ssi~ Happy birthday^^ Have a good day!!! Wow~~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: W ma man~ RAIN!!! 언제나 멋진 내형!!! Love ya!!! RT“@YEOLBONG:두둥!!! Rain & Se7en !!! 너무나 멋진 두분이 투샷을… 감사합니다~ 꼬끼오^^” [With my man~ Rain!! My hyung who is also cool!! Love ya!! RT @YEOLBONG: Tada!! Rain & Se7en!! A shot with 2 very cool people~ Thank you~ *chicken noise*^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @pinkcoffe32 네~ 안녕^^ [Yes~ Hello^^]
(T/N: This is the twitter account of Kim Sang Mi – I’m not 100% who she is but I did a search and she’s from Banana girl)
parkboram0813: @officialse7en 안녕하세요ㅎ.ㅎ 저번파티때뵈었던 보람이입니다! 감기조심하시구 담에또 뵈요! 화이팅~^*^ 팔롱하구가께용!!!!^*^~~~홧팅!!! [Hello hehe~I am the Boram who you meet at the party last time!! Be careful not to catch a cold and see you next time again! Fighting~^*^ I’m following you now!!^*^ Fighting!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @parkboram0813 반가웠어요~ 노래 잘하는 보람양!! 화이팅^^ [It was nice to meet you, Boram who sings well!!Fighting^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @JeonCheong91 전청아 생일 축하했어요^^ [Jeon Cheong ah~ happy belated birthday^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @HJssaem 혜정쌤 하루미리 생축!!!^^ 즐거운 생일보내세요!!! [Miss Hye Jung happy birthdya in advance!!!^ Have an enjoyable birthday!!!]
Translated by ceciliase7en
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
[PICS] 110308 Se7en and YG Family at Nikon event
Note: I'm having trouble posting pictures in large numbers to this blog. For more pictures at the Nikon event please head over to cecilia's blog here. ^^
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
[NEWS] Nikon collaborates with YG to target the youth market
On the morning of the 8th March, Nikon Imaging Korea and YG entertainment signed a joint marketing contract with each other at a special event held at the Grand Hyatt.
Most of YG’s artists attended the event including Se7en, Big Bang, 2ne1 and Yoo in na. Nikon’s representative and YG’s representative both also attended the event and in a meeting with reporters, revealed the plans for joint campaigns including the new “A shot a day” campaign. All YG artists will be also be using Nikon cameras to take videos of their daily lives which will be released as episodes later on during the mid year campaign.
Nikon stated the reason for them collaborating with YG is that with the change of the camera market, the need has risen for a marketing strategy which would appeal to the youth. With YG, they plan to draw in 20-30 yr olds and make Nikon the market leader in DSLR cameras and no. 2 with compact cameras. They plan to change the image of Nikon from “Difficult nikon” to “Easy nikon” and “Professional Nikon” to “Everyday Nikon”.
The first CF will feature 13 of YG’s artists including Se7en, Big Bang, 2ne1, Psy, Gummy, Gu Hye Sun and Yoo in na and is scheduled for release in mid March. On top of that various campaign videos of YG artists will be released on the Nikon website.
There are also plans for YG to release a ‘Nikon Song’ which will be released in the form of a digital single.
YG’s representative Yang Min Suk stated “Usually only artists becomes the ambassador for a certain product but in this case our whole company will be participating. This is a first in Korea and is very meaningful.”
News source: Economy Today
Translated by Cecilia
Monday, March 7, 2011
[NEWS] f(x)’s Sulli visits Se7en’s chicken restaurant
![]() |
Note: This photo has been deleted by @yeolbong |
Last month, SNSD’s YoonA was spotted shaking hands with Se7en at his steamed chicken restaurant, Yeolbong, and it appears that f(x)’s Sulli has also done likewise today.
On March 4th, photos of Sulli at Yeolbong were released, and lucky for her, not only did she get to shake hands with his cardboard cutout, but she also got the privilege of being in a Se7en sandwich!
Fans commented, “Wow~ I envy Sulli” and “I want to see Se7en [in person]“.
Source: (@YEOLBONG)
Taken from Allkpop
[Twitter] 110305
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Mydear_ happy bday!!! Hva good one!!! 축하축하^^ [happy bday!!! Hva good one!!! Congrats congrats^^]
Translated by ceciliase7en
Translated by ceciliase7en
Friday, March 4, 2011
[NEWS] Se7en's song featured in an American commercial
Se7en's instrumental to Drips was featured in an American based commercial, which has excited netizens.
The 2011 CT Hybrid is a very sleek car that is driven along a 3D version of a city. As it's being driven the background music playing is exactly the same as se7en's song titled Drips. So far the commercial has received plenty of attention on Youtube, but not because of the car. Instead everyone is far more interested in the music.
Comments have been left such as, "And this is How K-Pop Will Flood the World." and "Awesome! This is the korean singer Se7en's Drips! WOOHO YG Artists dominate! This seems to be an instrumental remix though. Still WHOO!"
You can check out the commercial below as well as the original song. What do you think about commercials using the instrumentals of your favorite Kpop idols?
Written by:
Thursday, March 3, 2011
[Twitter] 110302 + 110303 + 110304
OFFICIALSE7EN: @iloveSj861117sj happy bday!!!! hva goood one!!!
CKAY26: Studying korean :)
OFFICIALSE7EN: @CKAY26 열심히 공부해!!!^^ [Study hard!!!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @JJOJJORA 아라양~ 생일축하해요^^ 좋은하루 되길!!! [Ara~ Happy birthday ^^ Have a nice day!!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL @supafunkboy ㅋㅋㅋ 둘다 화이팅^^ [ke ke ke Both of you fighting ^^]
T/N: Baekyung and WAWASOUL had an exchange on twitter bragging about Abiggo and Yeolbong respectively
Sop_Hyein: @officialse7en 오빠..저기억하실지는모르겠는데ㅠㅠ28일날 열봉가로수점에서광주에서찜닭먹으려고올라왔다던광주소녀에요ㅋㅋㅋ오빠때문에트위터에가입했어요*^^* 그러니멘션좀하나툭던져줬으면…..힝 ㅠㅠ근데찜닭맛있던데요!!♡ [Oppa..I dont know if you remember me TT I’m the girl from Kwang joo who travelled to Seoul on the 28th especially to go eat at the Yeolbong garosu branch keke~Because of oppa I joined twitter*^^*So if you could just give me a mention… TT btw the chicken was delicious!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sop_Hyein 툭 [ttook]
T/N:: When she said "if you could just give me a mention", she said something literally in korean which literally sounded something like if you could just 'ttook' throw a mention. 'Ttook' is a sound to describe the action of something being thrown
OFFICIALSE7EN: @KHEun3 혜은양 생일축하해요!! 아직 안지났다!!!^^ [Hye Eun, happy brithday!! It still hasnt passed yet!!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Kpopjjang3 happy bday!! Hva great day!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: 고맙습니다… 응원해주는 여러분들덕에 아주많이 힘이납니다… 열심히 하겠습니다!!! [Thank you.. Thanks to the support from everyone, I have regained much strength.. I will work hard!!!]
Note: There's a story behind his last tweet. For details please visit cecilia's blog.
Translated by ceciliase7en
OFFICIALSE7EN: @iloveSj861117sj happy bday!!!! hva goood one!!!
CKAY26: Studying korean :)
OFFICIALSE7EN: @CKAY26 열심히 공부해!!!^^ [Study hard!!!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @JJOJJORA 아라양~ 생일축하해요^^ 좋은하루 되길!!! [Ara~ Happy birthday ^^ Have a nice day!!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL @supafunkboy ㅋㅋㅋ 둘다 화이팅^^ [ke ke ke Both of you fighting ^^]
T/N: Baekyung and WAWASOUL had an exchange on twitter bragging about Abiggo and Yeolbong respectively
Sop_Hyein: @officialse7en 오빠..저기억하실지는모르겠는데ㅠㅠ28일날 열봉가로수점에서광주에서찜닭먹으려고올라왔다던광주소녀에요ㅋㅋㅋ오빠때문에트위터에가입했어요*^^* 그러니멘션좀하나툭던져줬으면…..힝 ㅠㅠ근데찜닭맛있던데요!!♡ [Oppa..I dont know if you remember me TT I’m the girl from Kwang joo who travelled to Seoul on the 28th especially to go eat at the Yeolbong garosu branch keke~Because of oppa I joined twitter*^^*So if you could just give me a mention… TT btw the chicken was delicious!!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sop_Hyein 툭 [ttook]
T/N:: When she said "if you could just give me a mention", she said something literally in korean which literally sounded something like if you could just 'ttook' throw a mention. 'Ttook' is a sound to describe the action of something being thrown
OFFICIALSE7EN: @KHEun3 혜은양 생일축하해요!! 아직 안지났다!!!^^ [Hye Eun, happy brithday!! It still hasnt passed yet!!^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Kpopjjang3 happy bday!! Hva great day!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: 고맙습니다… 응원해주는 여러분들덕에 아주많이 힘이납니다… 열심히 하겠습니다!!! [Thank you.. Thanks to the support from everyone, I have regained much strength.. I will work hard!!!]
Note: There's a story behind his last tweet. For details please visit cecilia's blog.
Translated by ceciliase7en
[NEWS] Park Han Byul, Yoon Eun Hye talk about Se7en and acting criticisms on tvN’s “Taxi”
Actresses Park Han Byul and Yoon Eun Hye recently guested on tvN’s talk show, “Taxi“, and through it they revealed the hardships they experienced during their careers.
Park Han Byul kicked off by talking about her relationship with Se7en. “I was young at the time, and I was a rookie. It was inevitable in the Korean entertainment industry. I trusted the fact that people wouldn’t be able to say anything, as I had lied about the fact that I had loved him for the past 10 years.”
After acknowledging the relationship, she continued, “It was especially hard because after we admitted to the relationship, no matter where I went, I received questions about it. I thought about breaking up with him, but I looked at myself in the future and realized that the only way I’d be happy without working is to be with him, so I withstood it all.”
When asked to describe their dating styles, Park Han Byul replied, “I’ve only ever seriously dated one person, so I’m not sure. I treat him as my heart desires, without anything fake.” Yoon Eun Hye added, “Park Han Byul doesn’t look like it, but she’s actually quite inattentive. When she’s talking with friends and her boyfriend calls, she’d tell him that she was in the middle of a conversation and hangs up.”
Check out their full segment on March 3rd.
Source: Newsen via Nate
Note: only posted the part where they talk about Se7en. For full article please visit
[INFO] Se7en will be coming to Thailand!
Se7en will be coming to Thailand to participate in Bangkok Summer Festival by Coca Cola in May. The festival will be held on May 7th and 8th at 2PM in Rajamangala National Stadium, Thailand. Tickets can be purchase starting on March 2nd. For more details please visit
Info credit: @KhunnooPRINCE via @YGFamilySG
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
[Twitter] 110227 + 110228 + 110301
OFFICIALSE7EN: @SunIdoadore wow happy bday sun jung!!! 좋은하루보내요^^ [wow happy bday sun jung!!! Have a good day^^]
Se7olution7: 7rhythm Concert – Passion Say HO~~~!.. @officialse7en I miss that day,N I miss to see @WAWASOUL with you ^^ <3
ohyongzu: @Se7olution7 아하하하하 나 봐 개간지 @officialse7en @WAWASOUL [Ah hahaha look at me~ So crafty]
T/N: i'm not exactly sure what간지 means here..anyone correct me if i'm wrong
WAWASOUL: @ohyongzu @officialse7en 간지는 나지! 머리못봤어? ㅋㅋㅋ 아니 어케 저러고 댕겼지?!??! ㅡ ㅡ; [I’m the crafty! Did you see my hair?? keke How did I manage to make it like that?!?! ㅡ ㅡ;]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL 닭벼슬 머리… 저때 이미 촉이 왔었나봐… ㅋㅋ [Chicken comb hair… you must have had a premonition then.. keke] T/N: he's referring to Yeolbong
OFFICIALSE7EN: @CKAY26 (again) hey!!! Happy b’day!!! Hva great day!!! Lets hang out w ur BF next time!!! Ha~
CKAY26: @officialse7en and i feel REALLLY special i got 2 bday wishes from youuuuuu 고마워요~~~~너무 기쁘다!!! ㅋㅋㅋ [and i feel REALLLY special i got 2 bday wishes from youuuuuu ~Thank you~~~so happy kekeke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @CKAY26 yo welcome!!! g nite!! Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @heart__vc happy bday VC!!!! Hope u Hva great day!!!
eunhye0221: Se7en의 “열봉찜닭” 먹으러 왔어요~~~넘넘 맵고 맛있어요~~~찜닭열풍을 다시 불붙게 할듯~~최고!!!^^ [I came to Se7en’s “Yeolbong steam chicken” to eat~ It’s really spicy and yummy~ It seems that steam chicken is going to be popular again~~the best!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @eunhye0221 ^^ thank u!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: 기분이 참 묘한밤이다.. 쉽게 잠이 오지않는 많은 생각을 하게되는 밤.. R.I.P [My feelings are hard to explain tonight.. a night where I cant fall asleep easily and am thinking alot.. R.I.P.]
T/N: A dancer called Park Jung Min from dance team Star system that used to work with Dongwookie committed suicide and has passed away. R.I.P.
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Na2fly wow~ feb.29th… hey!! Happy bday kinanthi!!! Hva great day!!!
Hwangssabu: 호진이 생일입니다^^ 축하 말씀 남겨주세요~ [It’s ho jin’s birthday^^ Please leave your congratulatory messages~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Hwangssabu 호진아!! 무럭무럭자라렴!! 생일축하해^^ [Ho jin ah!! Grow up well!! Happy birthday^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @celestefhc haha~ CUTE!!^^
T/N: This fan tweeted that because of Dongwookie, she now writes Se7en instead of seven in everyday life and she just nearly wrote 'se7en' in a document at work.
OFFICIALSE7EN: @GO7DE happy happy bday!! Hva good one!!!
Translated by ceciliase7en
OFFICIALSE7EN: @SunIdoadore wow happy bday sun jung!!! 좋은하루보내요^^ [wow happy bday sun jung!!! Have a good day^^]
Se7olution7: 7rhythm Concert – Passion Say HO~~~!.. @officialse7en I miss that day,N I miss to see @WAWASOUL with you ^^ <3
ohyongzu: @Se7olution7 아하하하하 나 봐 개간지 @officialse7en @WAWASOUL [Ah hahaha look at me~ So crafty]
T/N: i'm not exactly sure what간지 means here..anyone correct me if i'm wrong
WAWASOUL: @ohyongzu @officialse7en 간지는 나지! 머리못봤어? ㅋㅋㅋ 아니 어케 저러고 댕겼지?!??! ㅡ ㅡ; [I’m the crafty! Did you see my hair?? keke How did I manage to make it like that?!?! ㅡ ㅡ;]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL 닭벼슬 머리… 저때 이미 촉이 왔었나봐… ㅋㅋ [Chicken comb hair… you must have had a premonition then.. keke] T/N: he's referring to Yeolbong
OFFICIALSE7EN: @CKAY26 (again) hey!!! Happy b’day!!! Hva great day!!! Lets hang out w ur BF next time!!! Ha~
CKAY26: @officialse7en and i feel REALLLY special i got 2 bday wishes from youuuuuu 고마워요~~~~너무 기쁘다!!! ㅋㅋㅋ [and i feel REALLLY special i got 2 bday wishes from youuuuuu ~Thank you~~~so happy kekeke]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @CKAY26 yo welcome!!! g nite!! Holla~~
OFFICIALSE7EN: @heart__vc happy bday VC!!!! Hope u Hva great day!!!
eunhye0221: Se7en의 “열봉찜닭” 먹으러 왔어요~~~넘넘 맵고 맛있어요~~~찜닭열풍을 다시 불붙게 할듯~~최고!!!^^ [I came to Se7en’s “Yeolbong steam chicken” to eat~ It’s really spicy and yummy~ It seems that steam chicken is going to be popular again~~the best!]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @eunhye0221 ^^ thank u!!!
OFFICIALSE7EN: 기분이 참 묘한밤이다.. 쉽게 잠이 오지않는 많은 생각을 하게되는 밤.. R.I.P [My feelings are hard to explain tonight.. a night where I cant fall asleep easily and am thinking alot.. R.I.P.]
T/N: A dancer called Park Jung Min from dance team Star system that used to work with Dongwookie committed suicide and has passed away. R.I.P.
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Na2fly wow~ feb.29th… hey!! Happy bday kinanthi!!! Hva great day!!!
Hwangssabu: 호진이 생일입니다^^ 축하 말씀 남겨주세요~ [It’s ho jin’s birthday^^ Please leave your congratulatory messages~]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @Hwangssabu 호진아!! 무럭무럭자라렴!! 생일축하해^^ [Ho jin ah!! Grow up well!! Happy birthday^^]
OFFICIALSE7EN: @celestefhc haha~ CUTE!!^^
T/N: This fan tweeted that because of Dongwookie, she now writes Se7en instead of seven in everyday life and she just nearly wrote 'se7en' in a document at work.
OFFICIALSE7EN: @GO7DE happy happy bday!! Hva good one!!!
Translated by ceciliase7en
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