Friday, October 28, 2011

[Twitter] 111016 ~ 111028

(1) 대박나세요!!!^^ “@GamZza: 여기 최고의미모(?)와 실력을 자랑하는^^ 여성댄스팀 크레이지에서 인터넷 쇼핑몰 크레이지걸스를 오픈했어여~ 많이들 와서 구경하고 놀다가요 go! go! go!  ©
[Hope it does well!!^^ “@GamZza: The girls dance team who boast the best looks(?) and ability^^ Crazy has opened an internet shopping mall Crazy Girls~Please come and have a look and play~go!go!go! ©]

(2) #se7en 노스페이스 아웃도어 DNA데이 미니콘서트는 추최측의 행사 취소로 인해 스케줄이 취소되었음을 알려드립니다.”
[The North Face outdoor DNA mini concert has been cancelled so this schedule has been cancelled.”]

(3) (열봉뉴스) 우아앗!! 열봉찜닭 체인점~ 5호 전주점 10월 오픈!! 6호 익산점 10월25일 오픈예정!! 7호 목포점 11월 오픈예정!! 체인점문의. 070 8958 1077 
[Yeolbong news~Woo ah! Yeolbong steam chicken chain store~no 5 Jeonju branch is opening in October!!no 6 Iksan branch opening on the 25th October!!no 7 branch Mokpo branch opening in November!!Enquiries on the chain. 07089581077]

(4) yeah man!!! Go bigbang!!! “@Realtaeyang: 여러분 덕분에 EMA에 갈수있게되었네요.. 늘 받기만하는사랑에미안한마음뿐입니다..너무 감사합니다:)”
[yeah man!!!Go bigbang!!! “@Realtaeyang: Thanks to everyone, we are now going to the EMA..I feel sorry because i am always only receiving..thank you very much:)]

(5) Best dance crew!!! “@wowokhy: 하이텍연습생모집합니다 남자만요홍보부탁드려요
[Best dance crew!!”@wowokhy: Hi tech is looking for trainees. Only guys~Please help spread the word”]

(6) 저도 와있습니다^^ “@jinuSEAN3000: 홀트아동복지회 후원자대축제 시월 나눔여행에 와있습니다 소외된 우리 아이들을 사랑으로 품어 세상을 행복하게 만드는 여행을 출발합니다”
[I am here as well^^ “@jinuSEAN3000: I’ve arrived at the Holt’s children welfare society event of October. Let’s embark on this journey to embrace these neglected children and make their worlds happier”]

(7) 홀트아동복지회 후원자대축제~ 자랑스런 “세븐” 이름으로 5천만원!! 기부했습니다!! 오랜만에 좋은일해서 자랑좀합니다^^ 요즘 날씨가 추워지는데 주위에 불우한 이웃들이 추위에 떨지않도록 많은 관심과 사랑을 나누어 주세요!!! 사랑합니다^^
[Holt’s children welfare society sponsor festival~ Proudly under the name of ‘Se7en’…50 million won!!! I made a donation!!!It’s been some time since i did something good so i’m showing off a bit^^Lately the weather is getting cold, please share your love with those unfortunate ones around you so they dont get cold!!Love you^^]

(8) (열봉대박뉴스) 내일 토요일!!! 10.29 열봉찜닭 익산.전주점 오픈기념!! “열봉의 그분”이 익산과 전주로 찾아갑니다!!! 우아앗 대박!! 꼬끼오~
[Yeolbong news~Tomorrow saturday!!!10.29 Yeolbong steam chicken Iksan, Jeonju branches opening anniversary!!”That man of Yeolbong” will be coming to Iksan and Jeonju!!Wooo ah daebak!! *chicken noise]

Translated by ceciliase7en

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