Sunday, November 6, 2011

[Translation] Se7en’s msg on Se7en’s day 2011

Title: se7en day!!!

여러분 안뇽~

오랜만이네요!! 나야 븐이!!

오늘 세븐데이를 맞아 이렇게 오랜만에 프세를 남기려니 좀 어색하네요^^

이번 세븐데이는 우리뿐만 아니라

온국민의 세븐데이가 되어서 두배로 즐거운 날이 된것같아

비록 내가 활동을 하고있지않아 여러분을 가까이서 만날순 없지만

요즘 앨범작업 열심히 하고 있고

좋은곡들 마구마구 나오고 이써^^

조금만 더 기다리면 정말 좋은앨범들고

럭세들 찾아갈게요~ 요즘 다들 바쁘고

나도 활동안하고 하니까 카페가 좀 조용하긴 하지만

그래도 이곳에 오는 럭세들 한사람 한사람

정말 항상 건강하고 좋은일들만 가득하길 바랄게요

하루빨리 무대위에서 함께 노래하는날이 왔음 좋겠다!!! 쫌만 더 참아줘^^

밖에는 비가오지만 마음은 얼굴은 항상 밝게 웃는모습이길 바라며…

2011. 7. 7

much love….. 7

Hi everyone~ It’s been a long time!! It’s me, ‘ben’-i [Note: as in 'ven' from 'seven' pronounced 'seben' in korean]

Taking the opportunity today on se7en day, i’ve come to leave a message on ‘From Se7en’ after a long but it’s a bit awkward^^

This time round, se7en day is not only our se7en day but has become a se7en day for all Korean citizens and so it seems like that it is a day for double the happiness [Note: This was when it was announced that pyongchang had won the bid to hold the winter olympics in 2018]

Even though i’m not active in activities now and cannot meet everyone up close, i’ve been working hard on my album lately and good songs have been coming out^^

If you just wait a little longer, I will come find lucky se7en with a new album~

Everyone is busy lately and because i’m not active either, the cafe has been a bit quiet

But even so, i hope each person who come here will be healthy always and only experience good things
I hope that I can sing together with you guys on stage soon!!Just tolerate it a bit more^^
It’s raining outside but I hope that everyone’s hearts and faces are always smiling brightly..

2011. 7. 7

much love….. 7

Taken from farineli, translated by Cecilia

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