Monday, May 16, 2011

[Twitter] 110514 + 110515 + 110516

OFFICIALSE7EN: 저도 너무 즐거웠어요!!! 어제 경원대축제 함께 즐겨주신분들 너무나 고마워요~love yall!!! “@Cobble0214: 형 오늘 정말대박이였어요!!!경원대에서 강한인상남기고가셨네요ㅋㅋ진짜 대박 잘생기시고 연예인포스 줄줄흐르셔요ㅋㅋ” [I also enjoyed it alot!!Thank you to everyone who had fun with me at Kyungwon university festival yesterday~love yall!!!! “@Cobble0214: Hyung today was really daebak!!You really left behind a deep impression at Kyungwon university keke~You were really good looking and so glamourous] [T/N: he actually said you put on celebrity poses~but that's what he meant]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @hyejin7 양칠아!!! 생일축하해~^^ 아주아주 좋은 하루 보내길 바래욧!!! Happy bday~~ [Yangchilah!!!happy birthday~^^ Hope you have a very very good day!!Happy bday~~]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @princessjolya happy bday Jolya~~~ Hope u had a gooood time!!! Holla~

OFFICIALSE7EN: @ainsxstar happy bday Ainsx!!!! Hva greaaatttt day~~ holla~~

OFFICIALSE7EN: @aghnianuri happy bday Aghnia!!! Hva greattt day!!! Holla~

OFFICIALSE7EN: @LNARA329 나라양~ 성년의날 축하해요!! 이제 진정한 어여쁜 숙녀로 거듭나길!!! ^^ [Nara~Congratulations on this coming-of-age day/maturation day!!Pray that you will become a really pretty lady!!^^] [T/N: In korea, there is a day which celebrates an adolescent who has officially risen to adult status, or coming of age]

OFFICIALSE7EN: 오늘은 성년의날이군요!!! 진정한 20대로 거듭난 모든 분들 진심으로 축하드립니다~ 이제 본인들의 멋진 미래를 향해 힘차게 달려나가세요!!! 화이팅!!!^^ ~ (향수 이모티콘은 없네요~ 향수는 알아서 각자 사써 쓰삼^^) [Today is the coming of age day!!Congratulations to those who turn over a new page today and enter into their 20′s~From now, run hard towards your cool future!!Fighting!!^^~(There’s no emoticon for perfume~Everyone just use it yourself^^)] [T/N: Perfume is traditionally given as a present on Coming of age day]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @kmk9141 웅 미경이 성인된거 완전 축하축하!!! 이제 성인비디오 맘껏봐도돼!!^^ 안뇽~ [Eung~Congrats to Mikyung on becoming an adult!!!Now you can watch as many adult videos as you like!!^^ bye~]

missA_min: 민이 오늘부터 성년입니닷 오오오 오오오오오오 히히 [Min is an adult from today~ohohohohohohohohohohoh hehe]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  @missA_min 오~ 축하해!!! 이제 에로영화 몰래안봐도 되겠네^^ [Oh~congrats!! Now you dont need to watch erotic films in secret anymore^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN: 오늘 날씨 너무 화창화창!!! 오~랜만에 한강에서 농구한판!! w YG 농구단!!! ( jus made it^^) [Today’s weather is so clear!!!Playing a game of basketball at the Han river for the first time in ages!! w YG basketball team!! ( jus made it^^)]

Translated by ceciliase7en

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