Friday, April 22, 2011

[Twitter] 110418 + 110419 + 110420 + 10421

willpan23: Tokyo we coming soon! What songs should i perform for my first show in Japan?

OFFICIALSE7EN: @willpan23 baby I like u like that!!!!! Haha... Jus kiddin....

Note: Willber Pan once remake Se7en's 'Baby I Like You Like That'. [Link]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @cherry4eva84 happy bday ma friend!!! Hope u hva grrreeeeaaatttt day!!! Holla~~~

cherry4eva84: @officialse7en ㅋㅋㅋ 고맙다 칭구^^ 조만간 얼굴보자규!! [kekek Thanks my friend^^Let’s meet up soon!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @cherry4eva84 그래~ 촬영잘하구!! Good luck!! Holla~~ [Sure~Good luck with the filming!!Good luck!! Holla~~]

jinuSEAN3000: '행복한 가정 만들기'란? 혼수와 예단 없이 그리고 축의금을 안 받고 반지 하나만 주고 받는 간결한 결혼식을 하고자 하는 이쁜 사랑 이야기를 가지고 있는 커플에게 제가 결혼식 비용 모두를 부담하고 이쁜 결혼식을 해주는 일입니다 [For a simple wedding with the concept of “Creating a happy family” where there was no dowry or wedding presents [Note: the bride is supposed to give presents to groom's family usually], where the couple did not receive any congratulatory money from guests but just an exchange of rings between the bride and groom, I paid for all the wedding expenses for this beautiful couple’s beautiful wedding.]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @jinuSEAN3000 혼수는 없는데 그 반지가 막 3억짜리고 그러면 어떻하나요..?? ㅋㅋㅋ [There’s no dowry but what if the ring is worth 300 million won? kekeke]

WAWASOUL: 용주형이보내준사진 4~5년전인거같은데 저때 참~잼났어^^ 사진속칭구들!!! 50년만더만납시다.. “청춘이 최고다~” [The photos that Yongju hyung sent me seem to be from 4-5 years ago~it was quite fun back then^^All my friends in the photo!!Let’s meet for just another 50 years.. “Youth is the best~”]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL WOW!!! 어떤 대단한 무대였길래 댄서가 8명인거야...!!?? 요즘엔 4명도 많어 ㅋㅋㅋ [WOW!!! What great performance was that that needed 8 dancers..!!?? Nowadays even 4 dancers is considered alot kekeke]

WAWASOUL: @officialse7en 영화시상신이었던거같은데.. 어째뜬!!! 너랑 이재욱머리..;; 어떻게할꺼야? 둘다 사과해~ [I think it was a movie award ceremony..Anyway!!!Your hair and Lee Jae Wook’s hair..what are you going to do about it?? You guys better apologise~]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL 참나... 누가할소리!!?? 내가 그때 형이랑 다니느라 창피했던거 생각하면.. -.-; 나 원... [Geez…who should be saying that!!?? If I think about the embarrassment I felt back then when I had to hang around hyung…-.-;I..]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @rnlni7 happy bday Ruin!!!! Hva gooood one!!! Holla~~

OFFICIALSE7EN: @KUKUR9 8년묵은 팬님~ 생일 진심으로 축하합니다!! 딱 80년만 더 묵읍시다!!^^ [8th year fan-nim [Nim makes it honorific]~I wish you sincerely happy birthday!! Be my fan for just another 80 years!!^^]

Translated by ceciliase7en

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