Thursday, July 8, 2010

Se7en's Message On Se7en Day (0707)


참 오랜만인거 같네^^

벌써 여덟번째 맞는 우리의 7월7일...

작년에 이어 올해도 아무것도 함께 하지 못한 아쉬움이 크지만...

더 큰 즐거움이 있을 내일을 생각하며

잠시 아쉬움을 접어두기로 해요...

난 앨범준비는 거의 다 마친 상태고 이제 마지막 점검만 마치면 돌격이야!!

그 동안 오랫동안 참고 꿋꿋하게 기다려준 럭세들이 있었기에

힘들고 지쳐가는 시간들이 있었어도 참고 견뎌 냈던거 같은데...

앞으로는 서로에게 이런 인내심을 요하는 일은 없도록 만들려고해~

나도 그동안 몸이 근질근질해 미치는줄 알았거든^^

이제부턴 정말 새로운 시작이라는 마음으로 다시 시작할꺼야...

여러분들과 좀더 가깝게 다가갈수있는 일들도 많이 준비할거고~

더 좋은음악 멋진무대 만들기위해 노력할게요!!

이제 2주남았다~

럭세들이야 말로 이제 슬슬 움직일 때가 된거 같은데...??


다들 몸조심하고~

새로운 나의 음악들을 기대하라구!!!^^


자주 보게 될거야~


Credit: farineli


Hi~ It seems like it's been a long time^^
It is finally our 8th 7th of July...
Continuing from last year, we couldnt spend it together and this made me sad
but please think of the bigger joy from the future and stop being sad
I'm nearly all finished with the preparation of the album and now it's in the final inspection stage, then it's attack time~

It seems like that I have been able to go through the frustrating and hard times because of the lucky se7en who have tolerated and waited for a long time
I intend to make sure that in the future there will be nothing that will make ask of our patience like this again
Because during this time my body has been itching crazily (means like he's itching to perform)
From now on, i will start with a heart who is ready to really take on a new start
I'll be preparing many things so that I will be able to get closer with everyone
I will work hard to show you good music and cool performance!

There are only 2 weeks left now
Seems that Lucky se7en can really start moving now? (ie getting ready)
Isnt that right??^^
Everyone take care of your body~
Watch out for my new music!!^^
You will see me alot~

Translated by Cecilia@Soompi

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