Sunday, September 12, 2010

[Twitter] 100912

OFFICIALSE7EN: 잠못드는밤비는내리고…내일 경주에서 기다릴 많은사람들과함께 즐거운 파티를하기위해 잠들기전 무거운마음은 다털어버린다… 난 긍정적이니까!!!^^ good night!!!
[On a night which I cannot sleep, it’s raining.. so that I can have an enjoyable party with everyone who’s waiting for me at KyungJu, I’m going to empty out my heavy heart before sleeping.. Because I’m optimistic!!^^good night!!]

Jsmining: 최동욱 짱 모자 잘 쓸께 ^^ 쌩유 베리 감사 오늘도 굳좁모두에블바리굳좁 ^ㅎ [Choi Dong Wook Jjang! I’ll use the cap well^^ Thank you very much~ let’s do a good job today as well~ let’s do a bloody good job for everyone^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Jsmining 오 짱잘어울리는데?? 내가썼다간 심의에 걸릴까봐 준거야!! 원래 형한테 줄 마음은 전혀없었다규 ㅋㅋ [Woooo it really suits you?? I was using it but was afraid I would be banned from broadcast so I’m giving it to you!! I’m telling you that I had no intention of giving it to you keke]

Jsmining: @officialse7en 줄 맘따윈 상관없어 이미 내손에 들어와쓰니 껨 끝^^ [It doesnt matter if you had no intention of giving it to me~ Because it’s in my hands now, it’s game over]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Jsmining 맞다게보X

(Transalator note: not sure what this means)

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Jsmining 아 모자 생일선물이야!!! ㅋㅋㅋ 퉁!!! [This cap is your birthday present!!!kkekeke]

OFFICIALSE7EN: 경주에 오니 날씨가 아주 맑음!!! 내마음도 맑아지려는듯!!^^ 막방해서 아쉬웠는데 오랜만에 또 부른다!! 다같이 즐겨요~”돼지털빤~쓰!!”
[Coming to KyungJu, the weather is very clear!!It seems that my mind is also clearing!!^^ I’ve been sad since I had the last performance for Digital Bounce, and now I get to sing it again!! Everyone let’s have fun!! “Pig’s hair underpants!!”]

love_tangle: 오늘은 예배후에 오랜만에 장을보러갔어요. 싱싱한 나물을 샀어요 집에가서 볶아봐야겠어요. 석류쥬스도사고 당근쥬스도샀어요. 유기농으루. ㅋ 가격도 꼼꼼히보구요. 왠지오늘은. 주부가된것같아요. 아!!!되고싶다!!!주부,,, ㅜㅜㅋㅋ
[After the service today, I went shopping for the first time in ages. I bought some fresh bean sprouts.. I will have to mix them at home. I bought pomegranate juice and also carrot juice…organic juice..keke I also watched the prices carefull.. Today it seems as if I turned into a housewife..Ah!! I want to become one!! Housewife… TT keke]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @love_tangle 주부?! Haha 화이팅 누나^^ 하루빨리 아줌마가되길 기도할게요..??읭?? ㅋㅋ [Housewife?? Hahah fighting noona^^ I’ll pray that you will become an ajumma asapo..? Wink?? keke]

love_tangle: @officialse7en 너가 기도해주면 이루어질거야!!! 고마워!!ㅎㅎㅎ [If you pray for me as well then it’ll happen!! Thank you!!hehehe]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @love_tangle 믿습니다^^ AMEN!!! [I believe ^ ^ AMEN!!!]

supafunkboy아 할거없어 심심해...일요일이 제일싫어...[Ah so bored..nothing to do.. I hate sunday the most…]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @supafunkboy 송백경씨는 심심한 일요일날 교회에 나가보도록 합니다..!! [Song Baek Kyung ssi, go to church on boring sundays..!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: 경주 한류콘서트!! 늦게까지 함께해준 여러분들 너무나 감사합니다^^ 즐거웠어요!!! 피곤하지만 가벼운마음으로 서울로 돌아갑니다~ 또 놀러올게요 C YA 경주~ 모두들 굿밤!!!
[KyungJu Hallyu Concert! Thank you to everyone who participated til late together with me^^ I enjoyed it!! Even though I’m tired, I will return to Seoul with a light heart~ I’m come to play again~CYA KyungJu~Good night everyone!!]

Translated by ceciliase7en