Thursday, March 3, 2011

[Twitter] 110302 + 110303 + 110304

OFFICIALSE7EN: @iloveSj861117sj happy bday!!!! hva goood one!!!

CKAY26: Studying korean :)

OFFICIALSE7EN: @CKAY26 열심히 공부해!!!^^ [Study hard!!!^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @JJOJJORA 아라양~ 생일축하해요^^ 좋은하루 되길!!! [Ara~ Happy birthday ^^ Have a nice day!!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL @supafunkboy ㅋㅋㅋ 둘다 화이팅^^ [ke ke ke Both of you fighting ^^]

T/N: Baekyung and WAWASOUL had an exchange on twitter bragging about Abiggo and Yeolbong respectively

Sop_Hyein: @officialse7en 오빠..저기억하실지는모르겠는데ㅠㅠ28일날 열봉가로수점에서광주에서찜닭먹으려고올라왔다던광주소녀에요ㅋㅋㅋ오빠때문에트위터에가입했어요*^^* 그러니멘션좀하나툭던져줬으면…..힝 ㅠㅠ근데찜닭맛있던데요!!♡ [Oppa..I dont know if you remember me TT I’m the girl from Kwang joo who travelled to Seoul on the 28th especially to go eat at the Yeolbong garosu branch keke~Because of oppa I joined twitter*^^*So if you could just give me a mention… TT btw the chicken was delicious!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sop_Hyein 툭 [ttook]

T/N:: When she said "if you could just give me a mention", she said something literally in korean which literally sounded something like if you could just 'ttook' throw a mention. 'Ttook' is a sound to describe the action of something being thrown

OFFICIALSE7EN: @KHEun3 혜은양 생일축하해요!! 아직 안지났다!!!^^ [Hye Eun, happy brithday!! It still hasnt passed yet!!^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Kpopjjang3 happy bday!! Hva great day!!!

OFFICIALSE7EN: 고맙습니다… 응원해주는 여러분들덕에 아주많이 힘이납니다… 열심히 하겠습니다!!! [Thank you.. Thanks to the support from everyone, I have regained much strength.. I will work hard!!!]

Note: There's a story behind his last tweet. For details please visit cecilia's blog.
Translated by ceciliase7en

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