Saturday, November 20, 2010

[Twitter] 101120

OFFICIALSE7EN: I'M BACK!!! HAHA~~ SEOUL~ SEOUL~ SEOUL~ 아름다운 이 거리~!!!!^^ 아~ 역시 서울이 최고야! [I’M BACK!!! HAHA~~ SEOUL~ SEOUL~ SEOUL~ This beautiful road~!!!!^^ Ah~ Seoul is indeed the best!!!!!]

alexander_0729: @officialse7en Welcome back to ″아름다운 서울씨티~♪″!!! [Welcome back to "Beautiful Seoul City~♪"!!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @alexander_0729 yeah man!!! Good evening!!!

WGyubin: @officialse7en 허허 저도 중국에서 컴백 서울 했는데 오빠도? [Hoho I just came back from China as well~ Oppa as well?]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @WGyubin @missA_min @missA_jia ^^ 난 미쿡갔따와써용!!! 한국이 좋네용 ㅋㅋ [^^ I came back from the US!! Korea is good keke]

OFFICIALSE7EN: G.Dragon @열봉찜닭!! 역시 마 브롸!!!^^ [G.Dragon @ Yeolbong steam chicken!!Indeed my brother!!^^]

jhs7987: @officialse7en 우왁!!!! 오빠 드디어 오셨군여!!!!! 다들 보고싶어 했는데ㅠㅠ [Oowahh!! Oppa has finally come back!! Everyone missed you TT]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 웅웅웅!!! 콘서트 연습해야지!! 얼렁 보자구들!!^^ [Eung Eung Eung!! I need to practise for the concert dont I!! Let’s see each other soon everyone!!^^]

Hwangssabu: 자~~~ 다들 열심히 야식조절하고 있죠?!!! 다이어트는 하나의 습관입니다. 맘 먹고 21일만 잘 조절하면 어느정도의 식단이 조절된다는 것을 느낄 수 있습니다! 안먹는 것이 아니라 양을 조절하고 나머지 칼로리는 운동으로 소비하기!! 주말 퐈이팅~~ [Alright~Everyone is working hard to control eating supper right? It’s a habit of dieting. If you are determined and control yourself well for just 21 days, you will be able to feel that you have somewhat gained control of the diet menu! I’m not saying to totally not eat but to control portion size~ then burn the rest of the calories off with exercise!! Fighting for the weekend~]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Hwangssabu 아이고 나도 이제 식단조절!! 운동 시~~ 작!!!^^ [Aigoo I also need to control my menu now! Exercise st~~~art!!^^]

Translated by ceciliase7en

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