Thursday, December 2, 2010

[Twitter] 101202

OFFICIALSE7EN: RT“@starlyshop: 어머머머..얼굴까지 다공개됐으니 망신당해보세요 아저씨!! RT @supafunkboy: 이거 참 개새끼일세...
[RT@starlyshop: omomomo..Since your face has now been exposed, suffer the shame ahjussi!!RT @supafunkboy: This guy is a real bastard….”]

[Note: the youtube vid has now been removed but it was a vid of a man molesting a woman asleep on a train]

jinuSEAN3000: 서울여대 지금 막 도착했습니다 2003년부터 올해까지 한해만 빼고 매년마다 벌써 7번째 서울여대 강연이네요 7라는 숫자가 왠지 이번 강연을 더 특별하게 만드는거 같네요^^
[I just arrived at Seoul’s women university~From 2003 til this year, every year except for 1 year, this is now my 7th talk at Seoul’s women university~It seems that the number ’7′ will make my talk even more special]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @jinuSEAN3000 se se se se7en!!!! 럭키 쎄쎄쎄븐!!!^^ GOOD LUCK BRUH!![se se se se7en!!Lucky se se se7en!^^GOOD LUCK BRUH!!]


OFFICIALSE7EN: 열봉찜닭앞... 전화안하고 오는바람에 20분째 줄을서서 기다리고 있다.. ㅠㅠ 아 배고파~ 찜딹한번 먹기 힘드네..ㅠㅠ 이것이 바로 행복한 기다림...?? ㅋㅋㅋ [In front of Yeolbong steamed chicken.. Due to the fact that I came without ringing in advance, I’ve waited in the line for 20 minutes now.. TT Ahh i’m hungry~ It’s so hard to eat steamed chicken.. TT Is this what people call “Happy waiting??” keke]

VanessaYang92: @officialse7en 열봉찜닭은 어딧는거죵..?? [Where is Yeolbong steamed chicken..?]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  @VanessaYang92 강남역 7번출구 뒷편에 있어요^^ [Behind Kang nam station exit 7^^]

Lumini2997 : @officialse7en 가게 사장님이 본인 가게에 줄서서 들어가는 거 처음 봤어요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ [It’s the first time i’ve seen a shop’s owner having to queue up to go in kekekekke]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Lumini2997 손님을 최우선으로 모시는 저의.... ㅋㅋㅋ 아 나 머래^^ [Serving customers to the best of our ability is our.. keke what am I saying^^]

joursu: @officialse7enㅋㅋㅋ 열봉찜닭 덕후시군요 지분달라해요 ㅋㅋ [kekeke Yeolbong steamed chicken should thank you~Ask them to give you shares keke]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  @joursun 내가 사장입니다.. ㅋㅋ [I’m the owner.. keke]

JiU96: @officialse7en 홍보가 너무 티나는거 아님? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 홍보효과는 톡톡히보는듯 [Isnt it too obvious that you’re promoting the shop? kekek but it seems that the results of the promotion is pretty good]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @JiU96 티안나믄 홍보가 아니죠 ㅋㅋ 근데 진짜 20분 줄섰음 ㅠㅠ [It [the promotion] isnt subtle huh keke~ But I really queued for 20 minutes TT]

OFFICIALSE7EN: 아~~ 열봉 매운맛 시켰다가 지금 머리까지 띵하고 제정신이 아님 ㅋㅋ 이제 콘서트 연습하러 고고씽!!! 후아싸뤼꼬롤뤼꿍쒸뽈취칵니!!! 아 나 머래^^ [Ah~~ I ordered the spicy flavour at Yeolbong~Now i feel achy even to my head and I’m not in my right mind keke ~ Now time to go practise for the concert!! Hoo Assa~riggorolliggoongshibbolchwikagni!! (he’s jsut sayig gibberish but i actually romanized his gibberish lol) Ah what am i saying^^]

Translated by ceciliase7en

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