Tuesday, December 28, 2010

[Twitter] 101228+101229


Sj861117sj: 사랑하는 외할머니께서 오늘..지금.. 하늘나라에 가셨습니다.. 거기선 아프지 않고 편안하시길.. 같이 기도해주세요... [My grandmother who i loved today..now.. and gone to the heavens.. I hope she is not sick and that she can be in peace there.. Please pray for her together…]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sj861117sj 힘내라!!! [Be strong!]

dambi925 : 정말엣날의그초심과열정들을 다들잊어버린것같다 그들이다시느끼길 그래야더빛난다는걸 잊어버린걸까? [It seems that everyone’s really forgotten the heart and passion from the past. I hope those ppl will be able to feel it again~ Did they forget that only in that way they will shine more?]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @dambi925 네 열심히 할게요ㅠㅠ [Ok, i will work hard TT]

dambi925: @officialse7en ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 속상 ㅋㅋㅋ 낼보겠다 낼두화이팅^^ [TTTT Sad kekeke I’m going to see you tomorrow ~Fighting for tomorrow too^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @dambi925 웅… 내일 보믄 얘기해요!! 굿바암~~^^ [Eung.. Let’s talk when we see each other tomorrow!!Good night~~^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  내일 sbs가요대전!! 세븐의 디지털바운쓰앨범 2010년 마지막 무대입니다!!! 내일 오시는 럭세분들!! 춥고 늦은시간이라 힘들텐데 따뜻하게 입고오시고 연말을 함께 즐겨주세요^^ 굿바암!!! [Tomorrw sbs gayo daejeon!! Se7en’s Digital Bounce album’s last performance of 2010!!To the Lucky se7en who are coming tomorrow! Because it’s cold and late, it will be hard, so dress warmly and let’s enjoy the end of the year tomorrow^^ Good night^^]

jhs7987: @officialse7en 저도 럭세요+_+!! 오빠 내일뵈요^^ [I’m also Lucky Se7en+_+!!See you tomorrow oppa^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  @jhs7987 내일 오빠가 칠봉 줄께 흔들어주세용!!! ㅋㅋ 그나저나 너희들 너무 고생한다 ㅠㅠ 밥 꾸역꾸역 잘 챙겨먹어.. 쓰러질라... 힘내!!! [Tomorrow oppa will give you a chilbong (se7en glowstick), wave it for me!!keke Anyway you guys have been suffering TT Make sure you eat..you’re going to collapse.. fighting!!]

jhs7987: @officialse7en 우왕 역시 오빠가 최고예용 ㅜㅜ!! 낼 완전 멋있을 꺼예요+_+ 오빠두 굿밤되세용^^~ [Oo wah Oppa is indeed the best TT!!Tomorrow you are totally going to be so cool +_+ Oppa also have a good night]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 내가 최고이건 최악이건 다 떠나서 오빤 그냥 크레이지건 하이텍이건 너무나 다 사랑한다..^^ 내맘알쥐!??^^ 굿바암!!! [Putting aside whether I’m the best or the worst, Oppa just really loves Crazy and Hi-tech (the 2 dance teams he works with)..^^ You konw my heart right!??^^ Good night!!!]

ohyongzu: 저녁타임 대기표..테이블닦다가 쓰러질뻔.. [Dinner time waiting list..I nearly collapsed from wiping tables]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @ohyongzu WOW!!!

OFFICIALSE7EN: 있잖아요!!! 내가 사랑하는사람들!!!! 뭐 없어요… 그냥 다 사랑합니다!!! ^^ [[Just something i want to say]All the people I love!!!! Nothing in particular.. just that I love you!!!^^

Translated by ceciliase7en

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