Sunday, December 19, 2010

[Twitter] 101218 + 101219

OFFICIALSE7EN: @misskahi @dambi925 @heedictator 둘이 동갑인거 굉장히 안어울려 왜일까 ㅋㅋ [The fact the two of you are the same age is so weird~ why is it? keke (T/N: he’s referring to son dam bi and kim hee chul who were having a twitter conversation)]

realslow1982: 이노무 여드름..하아.. [These damn pimples.. hai..]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @realslow1982 형 또 사춘기!!^^ [Hyung is going through adolescence again!!^^]

supafunkboy: 드디어 정리끝!새집 오는 날 눈이 펑펑내렸습니다!예감이 좋군요ㅎ 옆집에 사시는 어르신도 복받을꺼라말씀하셨어요!2011년 예감이 예사롭지않음ㅋ이런 느낌 매우 좋아요그건 글코 울집 레알돋아요~혼자 살기 넘커요~이제 여자만 준비하면 끝ㅋㅋ아이좋아 [Finally finished cleaning up! The day I moved into my new house, it snow heavily! I had a good feeling about it hehe~The elderly people who live next door also said that I will be blessed!!I’ve got this feeling that 2011 will be a special one keke~This type of feeling is so good~Our house is really great~~~it’s too big for me to live in myself~Now if I just prepare a woman [note:to live it in] then it would be complete~keke i like kids (T/N: or the last bit could be just~’ Ahh I like this’)]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  @supafunkboy 송사장님 돈 마니 버셨군요!!! 부럽습니다^^ 축하해요!! 집들이 하세요^^ [Song sajangnim has earned lots of money!! I envy you^^ Congratulations!! Have a housewarming^^]

lovelyJyoung: @officialse7en 오빠 안자세요?ㅋㅋ 전오늘 친구들하고 정동진 일출보러와써요~!! 지금 도착해서 기다리는중이에요 ㅋㅋㅋ키키  [Oppa are you not going to sleep? keke Today I’ve come to Jung dong jin to watch the sunrise with friends~!We’ve arried and are waiting kkkk ~keke]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @lovelyJyoung 와우 멋지다!! 좋은 추억 남겨요^^ [Wow how cool!! Leave some good memories^^]

hae_seul: @officialse7en ㅎㅎㅎ으흐 전 터키에 살고잇는데 오빠노래열심히홍보중!!!!!!나잘햇쭁 [hehehe I’m living in Turkey~ I’m working hard to promote oppa’s songs!! I did good right?]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  @hae_seul 웅웅웅^^ [Eung Eung Eung^^]

(6) (in reply to a twitter convo between these dam bi and raina)

OFFICIALSE7EN: @dambi925 @raina57 레이나양~ 기사봤어요!! 지켜보겠습니다^^ 하하 [Raina~ I saw the articles!! I’ll be watching out for you^^ haha]

Yulyul7en: @officialse7en 저는 중학교1학년인데요 엄마께서 세븐오빠팬이라서 초등학교때부터 오빠노랠 엄청 마니 들어서 노래를 거의외워요 킄 십분후면 제생일인데요 저는 해마다 크리스마스선물겸생일선물을 받아요ㅠㅠ그래서 나빠요 제생일 축하해주세요^^ [I’m in 1st yr junior high~ My mum is a se7en fan and from primary school I’ve been listening to your songs alot so I’ve almost memorised all of them~ keke in 10 minutes it will be my birthday~Every year I receive presents which are for christmas and my birthday TT So it’s bad~ Please wish me a happy birthday]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Yulyul7en 유림아~ 생일축하해!!! 좋은꿈꾸구 내일하루 아쥬 행복한 하루 보냉~~~!!!^^ [Yoorim ah~ Happy birthday!! Dream a sweet dream and have a happy day for the whole of tomorrow!^^]

tigimasaii: @officialse7en 전 터키 사람이에요 ^^ 제가 한국말로 메시지 보내면 오빠 도 터키말로 대답할 수 있어요 ?? 흐흐 ^^ [I’m from turkey^^ If I send a msg to oppa in korean, can oppa also reply in turkish? hehe^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @tigimasaii Merhaba!!! :D

Translated by ceciliase7en

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