Friday, January 7, 2011

[Twitter] 110104 + 110105


OFFICIALSE7EN: @sddffet486 저 아닙니당^^ 새해 복복복!!! [That’s not me^^Happy new year]

(T/N: The fan asked him a question but it’s been deleted so i’m not sure what she was asking about)

jinuSEAN3000: 2011년 새로운 한해가 시작했다.
우리는 올 한해를 어떻게 잘 살아가야하는지 구체적으로 계획도 세우고 이야기를 하고 실천하려고 한다.
과연 어떻게 살아가는게 잘 살아가는걸까?

내 아내 혜영이가 올 해 화장품 모델이 됐다.
참 감사한 일.
여자 배우가 화장품 모델이 된다는건 자랑할만한 기쁜일이다.
혜영이는 자신의 기쁜일을 많은 사람의 기쁜일로 만드는데 주저하지 않았다.
모델료에서 1억원을 홀트에 드려서 "나"의 기쁜일을 "우리"의 기쁜일로 나누고자 한다.

미소가 참 이쁜 나의 아내
마음이 참 아름다운 나의 아내
사랑을 실천으로 하는 사랑스러운 나의 아내

올 한해도 아내와 서로 사랑하며 잘 살아가려고 한다.
그리고 "네 이웃을 네 몸과 같이 사랑하라"고 하신 그 말씀을 매일 되새기며 실천하며 살아가려고 한다.

혜영이의 사랑을 홀트를 통해 아이들에게 전하려고 한다.
올 한해의 계획을 내 아내의 실천으로 시작해서 잘 살아가려한다.

Love in Action

[The new year, 2011 has started. We’ve talked and set plans for how we should live this year. So how can we live well?

My wife Hyeyoung is going to be a model for a cosmetics brand this year. What a thankful thing to happen. It is something to be proud of when an actress becomes a model for a cosmetics brand. Hyeyoungie is not hesitant in making a personal happy thing into a happy thing for everyone.

From the money from the endorsement, 100million won will be donated to Holt (children’s hospital) so that ‘my’ happiness can be shared and made into ‘our’ happiness.

My wife who has a beautiful smile

My wife who has a beautiful heart

My wife who puts her love into practice

This year also, my wife and I will love each other and live well. Each day we will remember his words “Love your neighbours like you love yourself” and strive to live well.

Hyeyoung passes on her love to the children through Holt. Our plans for this year are started through my wife’s actions

OFFICIALSE7EN: @jinuSEAN3000 날개없는 아름다운 천사^^ 아..!!! 형 말구요~ 혜영누나!!!^^ ㅋㅋㅋ 형님 가정에 올 한해도 행복이 가득하시길!!!^^ happy new year~ [A beautiful angel without wings^^ Ah..!!Not hyung~ Hyeyoung noona!!^^ kekeke I hope that hyung’s family will be filled with happiness this year!!^^ happy new year~]

arden_cho: @officialse7en Good good :) When you back in LA? You're in Korea yea?

OFFICIALSE7EN: @arden_cho No plan.. Ha.. Take care anywayz!


OFFICIALSE7EN: @megu10nov tadasi kun!! Tanjobi omedetogojaimasu!!! Hutaritomo etsumo siawaseni nate kudasai!!! Haha sorry ma nihongo in eng is bad!!! Ha [Tadasi kun!! Happy birthday!!! May both of us (?) be happy always!! Haha sorry my japanese in english is bad!! Ha]

jully307: @officialse7en 동퐈어쩜....난 수술한환잠데ㅠㅠ 나는 트윗도안해주고!!!!나 이제 두준오빠좋아할꺼야!!!!!ㅠㅠ [What to do oppa… I’m a patient who had an operation TT but you didnt send me a tweet!! Now i’m going to live Doojun oppa!! TT]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @jully307 그러던지~!! [Do that if you like~!!]

jully307: @officialse7en 음….나의 예상이 맞다면……난 다시돌아갈수도……ㅠㅠㅠㅠ난동퐈밖에없단말예요!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠ두준오빠보다 럭세에겐 동퐈가짱이죠 [hmmm.. if my prediction is right.. It’s possible that I will go back.. TTT I’m saying that I only like oppa!! TT Compared to Doojun oppa, oppa you are the best to lycky se7en]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @jully307 음~ 역시^^ [hmm~just as I thought^^]

Sarah2308_: @officialse7en The tattoo on your chest that says ''moment'' is true? What does it mean to you? ~ ^-^ #wesupportse7en ALWAYS♥ ♫♪~♥

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Sarah2308_ means nutting.. We just had 'moment' word tatoo only... Haha

Thinkingse7en: @officialse7en 오빠오늘손발얼뻔했어요ㅠ3ㅠ칠봉을어떠케해야될지몰라서머리에꽂아버려떠용......^^;;; [Oppa my hands and feet nearly became frozen today TT I didnt know what to do with the chilbong so I planted it on the head..^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Thinkingse7en 우아~ 이쁘다^^ [Oooahhh~ pretty^^]

Lilija88: OMO!!!! <33333 RT @OFFICIALSE7EN the german fans chose I'm going Crazy as the "Best Solo Vocal Performance 2010"

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Lilija88 thanks a lot!!!! LOVE german fans~~~ holla~~~

lolechann: @officialse7en Today is my BIRTHDAY ^0^ Today is my BIRTHDAY ^0^

OFFICIALSE7EN: @lolechann wow~ happy bday lolechann!!! Hope u Hva great day!!!

Fiore_JOGI: @officialse7en 아저씨 나 오늘 고등학교 졸업했어요~~~!! 크크 난 이제 고등학생이아니야~ 오빠는 고등학교 졸업할때 어떤기분이였어용~~~? 아 그리고 오빠 축하! 이제 777을 향해!! 홧팅♥ [Ahjussi I graduated from high school today~~!! kk I’m no longer a high school student~Oppa how did you feel when you graduated from high school~~? Ah congrats oppa! Now towards 777! fighting]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Fiore_JOGI 졸업축하!!! 너도 이제 아줌마! [Congrats on graduating!! Now you’re also an ajumma!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @CMA_A …….. X …….. ㅠㅠ

(T/N: The story behind this tweet: This fan gave him a 10 page letter about a month ago but that day he and BB went to the salon together, the letter got left behind in the BB van and dongwookie got on another van in the end. So she asked him many times whether he went back to find it get it. He kept not replying to her until in the end, she said can you just give me an “O” if you did end up finding it or an “X” if you didnt. So this was his answer)

Translated by ceciliase7en

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