Tuesday, January 18, 2011

[Twitter] 110117 + 110118

joojoo92: @officialse7en 그나저나 세븐팩공개는언제할겁니까? 자켓사진에 잘보이지도않는 식스팩 던져줘놓고 세븐팩이라고얘기해놓고 공개안할겁니까? 나보고 여름까지기다리란겁니까? 이게최선입니까? 확실해요?????? [By the way, when are you going to reveal your ’7-pack’? You come out with a 6pack on the album cover that couldnt even be seen properly, then tell us you have a 7 pack and now you’re not going to reveal it? Are you telling me to wait til summer? Is this the best you can do? Are you sure???? (the last 2 lines are famous lines from secret garden)]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @joojoo92 없어진지 오래다~~ [I’ve lost the 7 pack for a long time now~~]

Realtaeyang: Las Vegas

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Realtaeyang wow.... 좋겠다 영배야ㅠㅠ 신나게 놀다오렴~~!!! [wow.. good for you youngbae ah TT Have lots of fun and come back~!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: 몇년만에 한회도 빠뜨지리않고 시청한 드라마 "시크릿가든" 즐거웠습니다!! 아쉽게도 주원앓이도 오늘로서 끝이군요...ㅠㅠ 자 그럼 이제 븐이앓이 함 갈까요??^^ [I enjoyed watching ‘Secret Garden’, the first drama that I have not skipped a single episode for a few years!! It is sad but today is the end to ‘Joo won illness’.. TT Now should we get into ‘Ben’-i illness together?^^]

Minnnn_G: @officialse7en 싫슴돠!!! [No I dont want to!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Minnnn_G 시르믄 시집가라!!! [If you dont want to, then go get married!!]

WAWASOUL: @officialse7en 그건좀..;;바빠서.. 주말에중국갔다 일본까지가야대.. [That.. [i dont think i can]..;because i’m too busy…on the weekend, i need to go to China and then to Japan..]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @WAWASOUL 안무 틀리기만해봐.. 출연료 없을줄알어!!! [If you dare get the choreography wrong.. know that you wont be getting any money [for the performance]!!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: 기쁨을준 드라마에 아쉬운 소리하긴 싫지만... 21살.. 34살.. 39살의 주원이가 모두 똑같은 헤어스타일을 가질수밖에 없는 우리나라 생방송 드라마 시스템에 많이 아쉬움이 남는건 어쩔수없는... ㅠㅠ 암튼 짝짝짝 모두 고생하셨습니다^^ [Although I dont want to pick on a drama which has given us such joy.. but it’s a pity that the ‘live broadcast’ system of filming dramas in our country has left Joo won with the same hairstyle when he was 21, 34 and 39..TT Anyway *clap clap clap* everyone worked hard^^]

nnrnanjing: @officialse7en 븐이 앓이 하면 맨션해줄껀가요!!!  [If I have the ‘Ben’ illness, are you going to give me a mention]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @nnrnanjing 네~~~~!!!!^^ [Yessss~~~!!^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @k_soyeonism @dasomeee @blyu7Sso 자~ 이제 그만들 자자!!! [Now~~you guys stop it now and go to sleep!!]

[In a twitter conversation between thsoe 3 fans, they tell him not to keep pushing fans away (eg like telling fans to go get married etc) and tells him to drag them back to him. All said in a joking manner of course]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @natural786 은정아~ 잘자^^ [Eun jung ah~ sleep well^^]

[Continuing from the previous conversation, this fan says to the other 3 that they are making it sound like that she made them do that]


OFFICIALSE7EN: @kdj6230 다정이 생일축하해요^^ 추운데 감기조심하구 좋은하루 보내요^^ [Happy birthday Da jungee^^ It’s cold so be careful not to catch a cold and have a good day^^]

HyunJ0828: @officialse7en 전 븐이앓이 안할꺼에요~ 답장안해줬으니까!!!(뒤끝작렬) [I’m not going to fall in the ‘Ben’ illness~ because you didnt reply me!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @HyunJ0828 그러던지!!! 흥 [Do as you please!! Hmpf]

sooy7: @officialse7en 우와~ 대놓고 이름까지~ㅎㅎ @natural786 @yg67 시가 끝나고 새벽에 굉장히 어메이징했군요 ㅋㅋㅋ 근데 모두들 주원앓이에요? 난 오스칸데ㅋㅋ [ooowahh~you guys even mention the names now~ hehe [She's saying that those fans arent even trying to hide that they like someone else]@natural786 @yg67 Secret garden has ended and it’s been quite amazing in the night keke ~ but everyone has Joo won illness? I like Oska]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @sooy7 @natural786 @yg67 오스카앓이?!!? 그러던지!! 흥! 오스카 41살...게다가 이제곧 유부남..!!! [Oska illness?? Do as you please! Hmm!! Oska is 41 years old.. and on top of that he’s going to be a married man soon..!!]

BoA_1105: 뭐야 .. 나 이제 전갈자리 아니야?? 아.... 호랑이띠 전갈자리 AB형이 좋았는데.... [What’s this.. so i’m not a scorpio anymore? Ah… it was good to be a scorpio with a tiger zodiac and AB blood type…]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @BoA_1105 엥?? 진짜야?? 나도 전갈자리가 좋은데... 그나저나 시가 마지막회 안봤지 아직!? 얼렁보세요^^ [huh?? Really?? I like Scorpio too.. anyway you havent watched SG’s final ep yet!? Hurry and watch it^^]

BoA_1105: 뭐? 09년생부터 적용?? 내 조카는 사자자리구먼!!!! 그럼 별자리궁합같은것도 다시만드려나?? 세상 참..복잡해지네요 ㅋㅋ여튼 난 호랑이!!!^^ [Huh?? So [the star signs] only change for those who are born from 2009? So my niece/nephew is a Leo now~So do we need to make the star sign&goonghap [a measure by korean fortunetellers] again??The world has become more complicated~anyway i’m still a tiger!!^^]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  @BoA_1105 아 우리는 그대로야!?? 09년생부터!!?? 다행이구만~ 암튼 몸 조심하고 잘지내다 오길!!! Holla~~ [Ah~ so we dont change? From those born from 2009? Lucky~Anyway take care of your body and be well!!holla~~]

Star_Oska: 나랑 맞팔인 연예인들이 좋아해야지 내가 좋아해야하나? 내가 아시아의 별인데?! 내가 한류스타 오스칸데?! RT @M_juhee @Star_Oska 와ㅋㅋㅋㅋ이거만드신분좋으시겟어여ㅋㅋ많은연예인분들과맞팔에얘기까지하시구ㅋㅋㅋ부럽네요ㅎㅎ무튼고생하시네요ㅜㅜ [The celebrities who have connected on twitter with me are the ones who should be happy~Should I be happy? I’m Asia’s star?! Im Hallyu star Oska?! RT @M_juhee @Star_Oska Waaa kekeke The person who made this account must be really happy~ Being connected on twitter with so many celebrities and talking with them~keke~ jealous~anyway you’ve worked hard TT]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  @Star_Oska 난 이제 별로 안좋은데!? 형은 이제곧 유부남... 한류스타자리 이제 그만 나한테 넘기고 프로필이나 고치세요 마흔 한살로!!! 41살 아저씨...잘살아요... 이제 안녕... [I’m not really that happy?! Hyung is going to be a married man soon.. You shoudl hand over the place of Hallyu star to me and change your profile to 41 years old!! 41 year old ahjussi.. Live well… Bye..]

GabrielaBoxeR: @officialse7en 열봉찜닭은 언제쯤 먹으러 갈수있을까너~~ 우린 징짜 요즘 넘 바빠서 쥬글거같구낭 [When can I go to Yeolbong steam chicken to eat~Lately we’ve been so busy i feel like i’m goign to die]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  @GabrielaBoxeR 바쁘면 좋은거죠^^ 열봉은 anytime!!! [It’s good to be busy^^ As for Yeolbong, anytime!!!]

Lovley_82: @officialse7en 나를 팬으로 생각한다면 보내줘 ㅠ 작은인사라도 받아들이마 ㅋㅋㅋ 세븐이라하면 난 먼저떠오르는게 팬한테 친절하게 대해주는게 생각나더라 ㅎ [If you consider me as a fan, then please send to me TT Even if it’s a small greeting, receive it ~keke It’s because when i think of se7en, the 1st thing i think of is how you are friendly to your fans]

OFFICIALSE7EN:  @Lovley_82 인사^^ [Greetings^^]

08130818: @officialse7en 죄송하지만...이곳에서글을읽고지용오빠께이글을전해주셧으면 합니다.... 여기에서 VIPROOM에가시면번호14868권지용돋네님께서적어주신글이있습니다..그글을읽고 전해주시면감사하겟습니다 [Sorry but… I hope you could read the post here and pass the msg to Ji yong oppa…http://www.bbvipz.com/ Here, at the VIPROOM, no 14868 written by 권지용돋네님..If you can read that and pass on the message I will be grateful]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @08130818 국악예중에관한 글이죠? 어제 지용군한테 잘 전달했습니다!! [It’s the post about the Guk ak [Korean traditional music] performing arts middle school isnt it?? I passed the msg on to ji yong yesterday!!]

choitopholic: @officialse7en 세븐오빠 감사합니다^^ 친절히 멘션까지 해주시고 내용도전해주시고^^ 지난번 대성오빠팬사연에 이어서 yg식구들의 작은배려로 또한번의 기적이 만들어질껏같네요~ [Thank you se7en oppa^^ You gave us such a friendly mention and even passed on the msg for us^^ Last time after Daesung oppa’s fan incident, another miracle has happened because of the consideration of the YG family]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @choitopholic 네 저도 기적이 일어나길 간절히 바랍니다..^^ [I also hope that a miracle will happen^^]

eunbyul93: @officialse7en 오빠 왜 맨날 나만 멘션 안달아줘요!!!!!에잇!이제 열봉찜닭 안갈꺼에염! [Oppa why dont you send me mention!!Ay!! I’m not goign to Yeolbong fomr now on!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @eunbyul93 옛다 멘션!!! [Yes mention!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: Good luck!!! RT “@SANGCHUKANGCHU: TOKTOK (Feat.SOYA) jus released! I need ur infinite RT! Mighty Mouth 2nd album Mighty Fresh! Show ur ♥ ma tweople!”

ohyongzu: 난이제 채식할거다..지금 양재농수산마트에 야채사러간다..오이랑 상추랑 양배추랑..깻잎.토마토사러.. [From now i’m going to become a vegetarian..At the moment i’m going to Yang jae mart to buy vegetables.. cucumber and lettuce and cabbage..sesame leaves..tomatoes..]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @ohyongzu 아니!!! 닭집 사장님이 채식하면 어쩌라는말이오!!!??? [Huh!!How can a chicken restaurant sajang be a vegetarian!!!???]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Bmr0708 오늘 잠깐 반가웠어^^ 다음엔 길게 반갑자!!!^^ [Today it was nice seeing you [even though it was] for a short time^^ Next time let’s make it a long time!!]

jhs7987: 시크릿가든!!!! 드디어 다 봤다 ㅠㅠ 주말동안 누가 결말 올릴까봐 트위터도 잘 안했는데ㅋㅋㅋ 뒤늦게 애정행각 많이 보여주고…….난 왜 슬플까.. ㅋㅋ 그래도 해피엔딩이라 기분좋다♡♡ [Secret Garden!! Finally watched it all TT I was afraid that someone would upload something baout the ending on twitter over the weekend so I didnt even really use twitter keke~So late into the drama now finally we are shown affectionate gestures alot.. Why am I sad.. keke but because it’s a happy ending it feels good]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 그치…??ㅠㅠ 오엘~ 어제 인기가요 오랜만에~ 반갑더라^^ [That’s right huh?? TT OL~yesterday on Inkigayo~ it was nice seeing you after a long time^^]

jhs7987: @officialse7en 인.가 보셨어요 오빠? 저도 오빠 보고싶은데 ㅠㅠ 이제 주원앓이 접고 저도 럭세로 +_+!!! [Did you watch inkigayo oppa? I also miss oppa TT From now i’m going to stop the Joo won illness and go back to being a lucky se7en +_+!!!]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @jhs7987 @Bmr0708 웅웅웅!! 우리 신년회 아직안했자너~ 해야징~!!! 조망간 뭉치자압!!!^^ 잘자!! [Eung eung eung!! We stil ahvent had our new year party~ We should have one!!Let’s meet up soon!!^^ sleep well]

sevdnr: @officialse7en 와!!!와!!!!!!!와!!!!!!!!!!!진짜!!!!!!!!!! 늘 나 빼고 트윗 폭풍 답장!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ㅠ.ㅜ 헐…. [Why!!Why!!!!Why!!!!!!!!!Really!!! Why do you always leave me out when you go on a twitter reply craze!!!!!!!!!! TT Heol..]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @sevdnr 옛다 답장!!!.[Yes reply!]

tjgud: @officialse7en 오빠의 답장은 로또 확률??? [Getting oppa’s reply has the same probability as the lotto?]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @tjgud7 로또보단 훨씬 쉽지^^ 그치?! [It’s much easier than the lotto isnt it^^Right?!]

jyhihi: @officialse7en 헐오빠또깨알같이트위터했어ㅜㅜ 나멘션날려주기시러서ㅜㅜㅜ몰래트윗을하다니 [Heol ~Oppa has been tweeting secretly again TT because you dont want to give me a mention TT]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @jyhihi 응… 몰래몰래…^^ [Eung…secretly secretly]

guriguri77: @officialse7en 시가 이야기 말고는 떡밥 안줄거에영?? 이게 최선입니까?! 확실해영?? ㅋㅋㅋ [Besides about secret garden, arent you going to give us an issue [to talk about]? Is this the best you ca do?? Are you sure? keke]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @guriguri77 떡밥만드는데 시간이 좀 필요해… ㅠㅠ [I need some time to make an issue/topic.. TT]

mirae_rosecc: @officialse7en 에잇!! 이제 멘션에 목숨걸지 않겠어~~~그냥 눈으로만 팬 해야지.!! [Aish!! From now on i’m not going to put my life on the line for a mention~~ Now i’m just going to use my eyes to be a fan]

OFFICIALSE7EN: @mirae_rosecc 그래!! 멘션에 목숨걸진마^^ [That’s right!! Dont put your life on the line for a mention^^]

Se70lution7: @officialse7en many bad things happened to me in this week! N I can’t take it away from me!. if that happened to u,What can u do oppa?

OFFICIALSE7EN: @Se7olution7 just foget about that.. Thats it.. XD 

SkyBlueNJay: @officialse7en DO YOU HATE ME THAT MUCH ?????? :O

OFFICIALSE7EN: @SkyBlueNjay ??? I dont get it!! XD

Translated by ceciliase7en

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