Wednesday, August 18, 2010

[Twitter] 100818

OFFICIALSE7EN: 오늘 스케치북 녹화장에 저를 보러 가족들과함께 미국에서까지 와주신 분이 있었어요. 휠체어에 몸을 의지하신 몸이 많이 불편하신분이였는데.. PD님의 부탁으로 싸인도해드리고 사진도찍어드렸지만 마지막에 부탁하신거…녹화바로전이라 바빠서 못해드린거 미안해요.. 잠들기전 그분의 아쉬워하던 얼굴이 계속 떠올라.. 미안한 맘에 이렇게 글을 남겨요.. 이글 보고계시다면 다음번엔 꼭 음성벨소리 녹음 해드리겠다는 약속 드리면서.. 저를 아껴주시는 모든 분들께 더더욱 좋은 무대 보여드릴것을 약속합니다!!! Love yall..!!!!

Translation: Today at Sketchbook, there were someone who came her whole family from America to see me. She was in a wheelchair and it was not convenient for her to move around. Through the PD’s request, although I gave her my autograph and took a photo with her, the last request… because it was immediately before the start of the recording, I was too busy and couldnt complete the request.. sorry.. Before I fall sleep, I keep thinking about her sad face.. so with a sorry heart, I’m writing this. If you happen to be reading this, next time I will definitely record a ring tone for you. To everyone who treasures me, I promise that I will show you better performances! Love yall!

OFFICIALSE7EN: @love_tangle 아 누나 생일축하해용^^ 오늘하루 가장 행복하게 보내길!!! 파티할때 let me kno!!!

Translation: [to Uhm Jung Hwa] Ah noona happy birthday^^ I hope you spend today in the happiest way!! When you have a party let me know!!

Translated by Cecilia

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